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Sunday, October 24, 2010

thirty something?

That's right? Last week I turned "thirty-something" and life has been BUSY in my thirties! (And I thought being a teacher was tough....!)
I hear that "life begins at 30!" In alot of ways I can agree.
My immediate family is still being established but DID begin in my 30's.  I am so grateful for another year that God allowed me to have with my family. In many ways-I survived my first year as a mommy of two kids. 
I have many days that I want to run back into the classroom of 20+ third graders and have a break from the boys! Teaching a class of third graders is much easier some days then being a SAHM.

LIFE BEFORE my boys as a teacher:
  •  I had scheduled breaks
  • I had an Aid
  • I never had to get the kids dressed or bathed for class
  •  they all were doing the same task (ok 98% of class was doing the same thing)
  • I had a begin and end to my teaching day
  • I had weekends off!
Life AFTER my boys as a SAHM~
  • No such thing as a scheduled break when you are a SAHM -
  • 3-4 days a week I can usually get a "scheduled" break and get them both down for a nap.
  • I have an AID -her name is Abbey (she is a DOG)~ BUT...She cleans up the floor for me after lunch time. You should consider a small dog if you have young children. They come in handy.
  • Unfortunately, I have to get the boys dressed daily and I love it-bath time Daddy steps in THANK GOODNESS!
  • Usually the boys are doing different things-some day they will be doing the same thing? Right? 
  • SAHM-is 24/7 and I am thankful when I can have a window of time from daddy to myself.
  • Weekends don't exist as a SAHM-BUT weekends are relaxing for me! Daddy is home and we usually take 1 of the days each to "sleep in" while the other takes care of the boys!
Yup, hardest job ever is being a SAHM~ BUT-I love it. I don't want to go back to my teaching world right now. Though, some days I am easily enticed too. I must say that this is my life in my "thirties-something" and  I love it even though I LONG for the breaks by myself! I often find myself singing, Isaiah 40:31-because some of my days are SO long and I have nothing left of me. But that is when I need to wait upon the Lord, run to him for strength and he will renew it EACH day for me! I can NOT do this "MOM" thing alone~ NOPE! I know that the time I have alone with my Lord is so vital to my overall outlook on my day. And it is so tempting to just stay in bed a few extra minutes. BUT, I love those moments (that I can get SOME mornings-when the house is quiet and I can be alone and get in that shower, spend some time in the word and make a high protein breakfast). This does not always happen each morning. So, I am cherishing the mornings and moments I can get alone! I know that in about 5 years it will be a norm to have some children that understand what it means to give mommy "alone" time. But right now, they need me-I cherish it and I appreciate a loving husband who understands me and my breaking points. I have seen a bigger picture now that I am a mom and have seen what really matters most and that is time with my family and capturing it all. But I LOVE it when I get time to myself and  have some time with my friends know...GNO! It makes me a better mom when I can get some down time with my girls :)
Me and Pam :)
Some of my sweet friends took the time out from their families to celebrate with me.
Thanks for a fun night and looking forward to our next night out!

(I have been very lucky to celebrate many birthdays with Joy~ She came to visit me 5 years ago for my birthday (and that was the weekend she met her hubby) so fun to have one of my closest friends living in town :)

 Sweet friends from my MOPS group who loved to come out for a break...and we love to go out and celebrate birthdays! (Great excuse to get out and have down time!:)

 Lorelei and me...taken on 10.12 and baby Kai arrived 1 week later!
 (I will post soon about his arrival! Such an awesome joy to have him here!)
 Me and Samantha :)

Grateful to God for my sweet friends and three of the greatest gifts hubby and two sweet boys!

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