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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Weigh In Wed & White Water FUN

BLAH :( Down 1.4 lbs. But that is 1.4 lbs less to total 30 loss and closer to getting it off. So that officially makes me at 8 lbs down...22 to go! Trying to get back into the swing of life now that we are back. Oh 22lbs- that feels like an eternity. And I KNOW W  I cut out ALL carbs it would all be off...Ijust cant seem to leave out ALL carbs. I think body still needs some.I will have to keep motivating myself. I think I am jumping back into the consistency of Weightwatchers online. I love tracking it all on line. I know there are some other great websites out there too. One great thing about Mike's job is that they  pay the full membership of W.Watchers. It is part of their Healthy Life Balance program for employees and family members. How great is that? Have to go to weekly classes and it is a great motivator on top of all other accountability. I know it works. I lost 17lbs last time I did it (and I was only 10 weeks in and got Preggo with Kaden) oh to wonder of the total loss if there was not a distraction in the journey?! Still cooking healthy and not really doing bad with choices. Just a week of little loss. Some weeks this happens. Heres to hoping 3 lbs off next Wed!

Yesterday, I took the boys to the local Water Park (White Water). Parker and I have seasons passes. It is a HUGE savings to have seasons passes. One visit is $40.00 (per person) and then parking is another $13.00! I got the parking pass for $30.00 (and it is almost paid for....used it 2x already). We took our sweet friends, Liz, Kayleigh & Caroline. We had a blast....and the kids wore themselves out. It is so fun to go with a friend and have playmates for the boys. Hopefully this weekend we will get to take daddy. Mike is taking a 4 day weekend after a long week of work (and he needs a break);he just wrapped up another quarter of closing...(in the world of finance @ GE) but it only happens 4x a year so I am grateful that most weeks we see him and we don't have those crazy hours. Therefore,we need some fun family time. Why not go spend a day at White Water?! It is alot of work to keep up with Kaden....but I consider the times I am there my workout for the day, after I lift him 50+x carry 30+times from sections of the park or push him 15+ times in the stroller. You see I get a good workout for sure! Not to mention sweating some in the "HOTLANTA" weather too! HAHA!
Kaden is my water boy. AND HE LOVES the pools. He is testing out the thrills of slides. Some of the water slides, he is scared. But most of Buccaneer Bay (Kid land) he LOVES. Parker is not so much a "Nemo". Although P is warming up to swimming and the Spring Swimming lessons helped a ton! But consistency,and going back and forcing him to swim alone, and slide alone is working. However he has fallen in love with 4 slides at Buccaneer Bay and goes down them about 50 +time. He is a happy boy to say the least. I always know where I can find him.
 Here are some sweet photos of our visit.

 Looking forward to finally taking Mike, so he can see the boys in action.

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