How Many Have Visited....

Sunday, April 04, 2010

A Canadian Cousin Visit

Parker and Kaden have 4 cousins. Three of them live in Michigan and Samuel lives in Canada!
The end of March, Kaden got to meet Cousin Sam for the first time-along with Uncle Eric and Aunt Jolyn.

We are SO happy that Aunt Jolyn and Sam came for almost 2 weeks. It was a HUGE blessing to me. Mike had a business trip to Toronto so Jolyn overlapped her visit to be here to assist me while Mike was gone. I was never more grateful for the helping hands after the week of doctor visits with Parker. Parker was ILL with double ear infections most of their visit. We were at the Doctor on Monday and I was able to leave Kaden with my sister and Samuel. Parker got put on Amoxicillian on Monday-and another antibiotic in the middle of the week and ended the week with a Shot of Rostefan to KILL the vicious bug. It was attacking our sweet Parker and making mommy go insane with all his mood swings and unhappy personality. He was NOT himself most of the week. So it put a little damper on the visit-but-we made sure to still cherish the happy moments. We did get a few  memorable adventures in!

(Being BOYS!)
(Parker following his cousin all around the back yard)
(A picnic at the Park)

(painting suncatchers of Curious George)

(play date at Tucker's house)

Some other highlights were: Kaden's Baby Dedication, Story time at the Library, Jolyn and I going out with some of my MOPs friends ( THANKS Mary Katherine for keeping ALL 3 kids) and  a MUST- Dinner out for just Jolyn and me on Thursday night (when Mike got home!!!)

(chilling during play time)
(dinner out after 4 long days)
And we must not forget special visitors that we were NOT expecting  in our house for part of the week-ANTS! They were attrackted to the open bottle of corn syrup (whooops) but they sure were a BIG entertainment to Samuel and Parker. LOL

Jolyn-thanks for ALL the work, cleaning and lack of sleep you sacrificed to help me get through the week. Hopefully our next visit will not include double ear infections and ANTS. 
Samuel, Parker misses you already and still wakes up talking about you!
Huggs and kisses to you all.

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