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Saturday, April 21, 2007

22 weeks and only 3 days till Ultra Sound!!

I am now 22 weeks and looking (and feeling) pregnant!I can not complain...most days I feel great. My feet get tired easy-if I am standing all day. Now I am finding myself more frequently teaching from my stool or my "teacher chair!"
Tuesday, April 24th my mom's birthday (also) is the big ultra-sound! I am going to find out what it is....Mike is not going to find out! I will do my best to keep it a surprise for him. For the most part everyone will find out in August what Baby is! It is just driving me crazy...and for the sake of the couple showers before I leave will help them out! I will have to hide some stuff at my co-workers house to keep it a suprise from Mike. I am going to try really hard!
Today was a HOT and sunny day!Almost 80 degrees!
We had the Spring Fling at my school and I went to do my 2 hours of work! I worked the Ice-cream stand! I was also entered into the Homemade Ice-cream contest by none other then our PTF president! (Her son is in my class-so she goes out of her way all the time to make me feel appreciated!) She also knows that I have a hobby of cooking-and so she always does things like this (and enters me in the annual contests themes)...I told her I've never made ice-cream and I do not have an ice-cream maker! She went out of her way to get me one and then gave me and her family's recipe too! It was a hit! Homemade Banana Ice-cream-it is a favorite of our headmasters! I got 2nd place! I won a gift card to Target and a handpainted Ice-cream scoop! I will look forward to getting some more maternity clothes with that gift card!
Mike was impressed with the ice-cream maker! He is not a lover of sweets, but he does eat Ice-cream! So, this summer...we will have some Ice-cream parties with friends!
I will keep you all posted and hopefully have photos of baby soon!
Jenn, Mike & Baby


Sally said...

Jen -

I just knew you weren't going to be able to hold out on finding out what the baby is after we saw you a few weeks ago!

The ice cream story reminded me of all the times dad made ice cream for us all during the summer on our many get-togethers. If you want that recipe, just email Becky or I and I think we can share that family secret with you! Reminds me of many nights out on the deck with both our families or the youth group events where dad would make the ice cream...were you there when Jason thought it was mashed potatoes?


akr said...

yeah!! only 9 days until ours!! You are looking great. I am finally getting the real pregnancy belly! It's so exciting. I feel a little flutter every once in awhile too!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.