How Many Have Visited....

Friday, July 23, 2010

Brotherly Fun...Video time!

YEAH! Parker somehow found my camera in the bottom of the toy box!
Now, I wonder HOW it got in there????

Oh, I have never been so happy to see it! And we had a good talk with Parker that it is NOT a toy.

                                         Here is a background on the video of Parker and Kaden...
 Parker has discovered that he can "drag" Kaden around to get him where he wants him to be.
LOL ~but of course Parker does not get to do this very often! Kaden is safe because Mommy is always around when P is moving Kaden. I can't leave them out of my sight yet..
 It will just make you laugh when you see Kaden giggling and Parker just doing his thing as a Big brother.
And this is just the beginning of life with boys......

(Happy Kaden!-and 2 teeth on the bottom)

                        Here is the video of Kaden giggling while Parker is leaping & jumping and dragging him.

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

So stinking funny! I love this video of Parker and especially Kaden's giggles!