We have had a wonderful first week with Parker!
We are crossing our fingers and praying that the 6-7 hours of sleep will stay a while! He only gets up 2 times a night to eat! We have a very happy boy and he only cries to get his diaper changed or eat! We feel very blessed!
I keep telling Grandma and Grandpa Riese that he is just putting on a show until they leave! But I have been told that this is probably how he really will be! We are more and more in love with Baby Parker each day and Big Poppy and Daddy love to discuss that he is "just a little guy!"
Tomorrow Grandma and Grandpa Riese leave! We have been so spoiled and I can just say it was a real blessing having them here the whole 2 weeks! I have gotten rest and by day 4 we were out and about with Parker!
He made it to his daddy's softball game last night! His first softball game to attend....(and he slept the whole time!)
He is happy and so easy going...it has made the shopping adventures fun and enjoyable for mommy and Grandma Riese!
It is still so surreal to us and hard to believe that a week and 1/2 ago he was still in my womb! But it is so precious to finally have him here and in our arms!
We will post more soon and hope you enjoy watching him grow as much as we do!
Blessings to all,
Jenn, Mike and Parker :)