Parker is 3 weeks old and on a growth spurt!
He is sleeping sometimes as long as 4-5 hours and he had 1 night where he ate every 2 hours! - The first photo is of him sleeping on Sunday while were eating brunch!
- (Picture 2) My dad is feeding Parker a bottle (to give mommy a break, so I did not have to go off and feed him)
- (Picture 3) The bradford Pear tree being cut down by my dad and Mike! They are discussing how the last part of it will fall!
We have LOVED having Grandma and Grandpa Clark here!
My dad has gone to work and put new tile flooring in our master bath and the big event, was cutting down the 14 year old Bradford Pear tree! It was sad to see it go, but my dad saved us almost $300.00 to get it down. The trees have about a 14 year life expectancy, and we did not want to risk it snapping any time soon (like our neighbors did recently!)We have had fun with Parker and gone out quite a bit! Tomorrow it looks like we will be going to the GA. Aquarium!
Mike is back to work and anxiously awaiting his annual PWC softball tournament! It is the 28-30th of this month and he will be going to Tuscan,AZ!
We can not believe how fast the time has gone already!
It is a joy to share these moments with you all!
Mike, Jenn & Parker