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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Trick or Treat...SU Style

This was Kaden's first "Halloween" and I had all these great ideas of what I wanted to dress him up as. Since he was called our little "sweet pea" when I was pregnant with him, I thought it would be cute to order this!

 Or even order this,when I was considering Parker to be "Peter Pan" with his red hair.
But Parker doesn't know Peter Pan and a baby Pirate was not fitting for Kaden.
So, as the end of October neared Mike came up with Parker's costume and together we decided on Kaden's. Daddy actually WON the vote!
 Parker LOVED it and I was thrilled with the $10.00 expense total...Thanks Target! All we had to buy was Kaden's costume. We had EVERYTHING for Parker!

 And yes, the helmet is an original SU that Mike collected at Camp BaYouCa in the Skit Night Costume Box when he was a counselor, about 10 years ago! LOL
And a very fitting costume for our "chunk of love" or shall we say Quarter Back, Kaden!
Kaden was Parker's Football!

Shockingly the SU Football team is doing well!
What a great year to have the boys dress up for SU!
Mike and I were both brought up in homes where we were taught to unabashedly and boldly create an alternative that is positive and uplifting~we were taught to recognize the good over evil and the triumph of God over Satan.
Therefore, we choose carefully how we participate in the holiday's and make sure that we are bringing glory to God. I think we can provide an environment that also makes room for heaps of fun while using the day as a “teachable moment” to celebrate God’s protection, provision and purpose for our lives.
Therefore, it was fun weekend with the family as we enjoyed the fall fun with neighbors and close friends. The Ashworth's joined us as well as the Langhan's. The kids LOVED spending the night at our local Fall Fest in the neighborhood, and getting the treats at the door. It was Trey's first time to Trick or Treat, and I am still not sure if he had more fun getting candy or ringing the "button" on the houses to get the candy?

 Charlotte-the Sweet Cupcake
(Parker chatting with his Pirate buddy-Trey)

(Joy snuggling with Jonathan the Giraffe!-So sweet :)
Mommy and Daddy with the boys

A little highlight of the weekend was seeing Baby Kai all dressed up as a little pumpkin! Parker got to meet him at the neighborhood festival and he just starred at him. He was taking it all in :) ...Such a little miracle and so happy Kai got home from the Hospital o celebrate the day with his family!

Looking forward to the next two months as we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas!
So much to be thankful for and grateful to God for his gift to us all.