His favorite place to look out!
(His latest thing is to bite the lip!)
Hanging with mommy
(Look who's 11 months old!)Last Sunday Parker turned 11 months old! That was the day we were beginning our journey home and the journey was a tough one!
He got ill on the way back (vomited all over the car...45 minutes before we got to my friends in OH!) Friday, I found out the high fever (on and off) was due to STREP! The kid was fine on Monday and Tuesday and then started acting disinterested in food and spiked a fever by Friday again! So I knew it was time to head to the Dr. I knew there was a virus going around...but I am glad that I finally took him in!
He had strep last month and apparently picks it up easily. He has a high pain tolerance and only shows signs of "illness" by refusing to eat!
He currently weighs 20 lbs 10 oz...he has long legs and no waist! It is funny to get pants to fit the boy!
So here we are at 11 months:
His favorite food: Mac & Cheese /or Chicken nuggetsFavorite Toy: Daddy's mouse out of his computer bag Favorite book:Good Morning., Good Night (another touch & feel book)
Favorite game: hiding under Blanket with Daddy (or playing....Peek-a-boo)The crawling has become a daily ritual and you will see his favorite "hangout" on the video!
We are getting ready for his first birthday clebration (here in GA) and will have a Baseball theme!
Looking forward to his first birthday....but still wondering where the time all went!
Jenn, Mike and Parker