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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Parker's Easter Photos

Yesterday I took Parker for a "first" and did some photos with bunnies. I was not planning on doing Easter photos, but got a great deal. It was a fun part of my day. He was really good, and the photographer got a couple of smiles! (YEAH-since we rarely get him smiling for the camera!) It was a short, sweet and a first memorable moment (for me) !

Here is the link (below) to see Parker's photos with the bunnies.
Here are the directions to see his photos:
1. click on calendar and scroll to bottom of page to view online images on Quick Take Portraits
3. Finally Select "Riese"
4. type in password-Parker
Jenn ;)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Baby Shower for Parker's future girlfriend!

Last Saturday, we hosted a baby shower for our friends Samantha and Kendall. Samantha is my old co-worker. They are expecting their first baby in April (Girl-Marlee Grace)! We also like to call Marlee "Parker's little girl friend!" It was a couple's Baby Shower and made it more entertaining. Especially, when Kendall had to tell everyone what the gifts all were. (ie: he was unsure what to make out of the bottle brush!) They got great gifts (and the group gift we went in on...the car-seat) and made some great memories. Here are a few photos from the shower.

Parker Update:
Last week I took Parker back to the Specialist for another scan of his head. His head is improving on its own in the ( Brakeiocephaly ? I am not sure how to spell it ), (his head is starting to form properly. (It was shaped more like a melon ball and now it's starting to form more of an egg...the way it is suppose to look. But the (Plagiocephaly) area is still the same. We will go back on April 8th. They will do one more scan and then a decision will be made for a helmet or not.
We have reached a new milestone in Parker's life....he is sitting up all on his own! Which means he gets to sit in the shopping carts at stores and highchairs at restaurants! He is getting to be such a cute little boy and leaving behind his baby phase! (Makes us shocked at how fast the time has truly flown by!)
Tomorrow he is getting to do a photo shoot with live bunnies. I got in on a special with a children's boutique. ( they had a deal set up with this professional photographer )
This is where we are going~ ( click on information and you'll see some bunnies with children.)
I am excited...Daddy is not sure what to think of it! (Just leave it up to me to capture some special milestones!)

Blessings to you all and Happy March!
Jenn, Mike and Parker :)