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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Softball Tournament update #1

We made it to Orlando Thursday night around 12:30!
I got my mom picked up at 11:30, Thursday afternoon and we had to go and get the rental van after lunch. It wasn't ready at the place we requested, so that put us a few hours behind. Making us get to Orlando later then planned, but so thankful for a traveling trooper-Parker! He did great!We were glad to get here. I brought Parker's bike that we got him for his birthday and we let him ride it in the room and all around the hotel! He is having a blast. It has been wonderful to have my mom here,so I can come and go to the games.
Yesterday, Mike and his team played 3 games.
They lost the first game by 1 point. (However, that team were the champions 3 years ago-so to have a score that close helped their seeding.)
The second game they killed the other team-(25-3)
Third game they won (after coming up 10 runs in the 3rd inning, before they were losing 9-1) So they won that game, 18-15!
They got seeded 7th out of 30. The good news was that they did not have to play till 10AM today! The higher the seed that later you play!
Just got off the phone with Mike (Mom and I are waiting for Parker to get up from his AM nap so we can go to the ball park) and they are in the 6th inning and winning 13-4!

We will keep you posted and hopefully have great news later tonight.
Tonight we are taking Parker to Downtown Disney/ Disney village !

Pictures to come when we return.
Jenn :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Annual PWC Softball Tournament

Fall has arrived and it is that time of year again for the annual PWC softball tournament!
Even though Mike is now a PWC Alumni , I have a feeling he will always be a part of this tournament! The company tournament allows each team 2 alumni! This will be his 6th year participating in the tournament! (I think it is in his blood). I have my moments where I "hate" softball (because of all the hours he is away practicing& playing in games) and then my moments where I do "like" it....such as this coming weekend! LOL!
Last year I was not able to attend. Parker was just 5 weeks old! It was to overwhelming to attend the tournament with a newborn and try and cheer Mike on.

This year I will be able to attend! It is in Orlando,FL (Friday-Sunday). I am so excited, because my mom is flying in Thursday morning to go with us! She is coming to watch Parker while we are BUSY at the ball park! It is a double blessing for me! We are renting a van and driving down there on Thursday! It is only a 6 hour drive and we are thankful for that. She & Parker can come and go~ or do more fun things like swim and play in downtown Orlando. I am really looking forward to the time together. This is one of our first vacations, since Parker has been with us. However, I am praying that my 2 week cold ends soon...I would hate to have it put a damper on this coming weekend!

Mike and I at the 2005 PWC Tournament
(Myrtle Beach,SC)
(They had a Hawaiian Luau Dinner that Friday night so Mike was taking it all in!)

We are praying that the guys get 1st this year! They have done really well each year . There were 32 teams last year and they placed 8. If they win, they are in charge and run the tournament next year!! We will keep you posted.
In the meantime we have a lot of packing to do!

Jenn, Mike (and Parker)