Mike and I are in NY visiting with his family! It has been so relaxing and enjoyable!
My sonogram went very well on Wed. and was exactly what my Dr. was predicting! Baby Riese (at 30 weeks) was 4 and 1/2 lbs. and measuring to be 33 weeks along! Lots of hair already..might explain all the heartburn I have had the last few months! At this point,my OB is planning to enduce me around 38 weeks (which would be between the 16-20th of Aug.)I will have another sonogram the end of July to see how much more weight baby has gained! If Baby Riese is really big, then we might just have a c-section! I am fine either way...we just want a healty baby! Anything to have the baby earlier too! Mom and Dad Riese plan to arrive in GA on the 18th of Aug. so that should be just about right!
The family had a baby shower for me on Saturday here! It was wonderful 26 ladies came and we were blessed with TONS of items off of my registries, clothes, books and Mike's favorite...3 Baby SU onesies!!! We narrowed down 1 to bring the baby home in!
I will post photos and keep you all posted with the news and growth of Baby Riese!
Blessings to all,
Jenn, Mike and Baby Riese
PS. Happy 52nd Birthday today to Dad Riese (future Papa Riese!)