How Many Have Visited....

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Another haircut and packing once again...

(Parker (19 & 1/2 mths)-showing off his new haircut)
to visit Grammy and Papa! I got all the laundry done from our trip to NY and now I am putting it all back in the suitcase! We are leaving tomorrow night to go to MI to visit my family for the Easter Holiday. We NEVER just hop in the car and go away for Easter, but Mike has a business trip 3 hours from my family (the week following Easter)So, we are taking advantage of the time to be together and see my family.A BIG thank-you to Kayleigh's Gi-Gi! Who is taking the time to watch her (since I usually watch her on Monday & Tuesday's)I know when we get back K and P will be so excited to see each other. This week is Spring Break, so K and her family are at the beach in FL. While we are in MI. P and I will stay with my family for the first part of the week while M is in IN. Then we will meet up with M on Wed and start our trip back to GA! We will be making a stop in KY for 2 days as M has to visit a plant for GE. So, P and I will get to hang out at the pool and hopefully check out a local mall or Children's Museum! I am just thankful that I am not limited on luggage (the strict rules with the airlines) and I won't be traveling alone! We have gotten used to these long road trips. However, I can not sit here and say that we LOVE to drive the trips-but we sure love it once we are finally there and not having to rent a car. Thankfully P has always been a GREAT traveller in the car and we do most of the driving at night (when he is sleeping)!
In the meantime I purchased his Easter outfit 1 month ago (not realizing we'd be in MI) and it is shorts, a polo shirt and sweater vest! So, on to plan B since the weather will only be about 40 degrees on Easter Sunday in MI!!! Throwing in Navy blue pants now! :(
Yesterday, P got his second hair cut and my hairdresser even got to use the razor on the back of his hair! He did not mind at all (since he had that sucker in his mouth!) He looks like a BIG BOY now! (Makes me a little sad and missing his "baby" days!) But, we LOVE the little boy that he is becoming and wouldn't trade him in the world. Feeling very blessed to be his mommy.
Back to packing and checking things off the list.
Have a Happy Easter
Rejoice ...HE IS RISEN!
Jenn :)