How Many Have Visited....

Friday, December 12, 2008

Guess Who Is ......

WALKING??!It is official-Parker took 4 steps....later during the day he did 6 steps....then tonight for Daddy he took 8! He has fallen into the typical category of 1st born boys....(crawled at 10 months and walked at 15 & 1/2 months). Parker looks like a little penguin with his arms out in front, but he is just a grinning after he realizes he has made it with out falling!
No pictures to post of this big milestone....but I do have a photo of another first in Parker's life...."his first time meeting Santa!"

We are not big on Santa-and Mike and I both grew up knowing that Christmas is all about the birth of our Savior! However, it is fun to have this little part of "surprise Christmas morning-and wonder HOW so many toys could possibly get under that tree? We have come to a decision that we will not go overboard(since he gets so many great gifts from both sides of our families) and try to stick to 3 main gifts for Parker that we give him ...just as Jesus received the 3 gifts. We want to teach Parker the importance of giving!

So, yesterday my good friend Samantha and I took Parker, and her daughter, Marlee to meet Santa!

OH boy! Did we get some looks...TEARS.... and more looks!
The pictures speak volumes!
We will see what he thinks of Santa next year! : 0

I got confirmation yesterday,that I will have my camera by the end of next week-so yeah to that! I might figure out this new cell phone and do some photos of Parker walking. If not before Christmas, we will post some following the holiday.

I just mailed out the Christmas cards today, and they should arrive soon to all of you who are on our list!
Jenn :)

Monday, December 08, 2008

Ouch ....2 stitches later!!!

Life on Gabriel Way was crazy this morning and the main person involved was ME!
This morning at 9:00 I hit my eye (the corner of my right eyebrow) on a new shelf that we have on the wall near the TV .
I was bending down to get Kayleigh's pacifier (it was time for naps)....I came up and BAMB!!! Ouch???! I start seeing stars....My glasses flew off. (This whole time Parker and Kayleigh are upstairs in the playroom) so they didn't see me cry...and the blood! Yes there was BLOOD!
I freaked and an instant headache began! I start crying....what just happened?
I put the paci down & find my to the bathroom!
OH -NO! I don't want Stitches-I have NEVER had to get them (except for surgical procedures!)
I call Mike .He is about to pull into work (yet willing to come home) and says ....Call Lorelei and have her come and look at it!
Lorelei (my friend and neighbor) comes the meantime I have managed to get 2 happy (yet tired) kiddos down for naps!
The cut is 1/2 inch long. I know that usually stitches has to be 1 inch of cut. So I am just sad that I have been so klutzy and now I am yelling at the stupid box! Not to mention my facial image now being scared....urr-"stupid box-I say again!"
I refuse to go to the ER unless I couldn't see out of my eye or the blood wouldn't stop! Lorelei insists I call my Dr. to get it checked out.
She helped me bandage it-I kept it on till my Dr. visit today at 3:45 and my Dr. made the choice for 2 stitches! It was a pretty deep puncture....and he says ...."Oh that is a cut all right and deep enough for a few stitches!!" ("stupid box I say again!") Mike is sitting there and I am begging him to get rid of it!
It is swollen a bit , but the 2 stitches is fine with me considering the damage could have been worse! I am SO thankful I did not puncture my eye!
Here is a photo of my lovely stitches....(urr) and the Stupid (I mean...lovely box that is out of our 1 year old's reach....yet injures mommy in the mean time!)

So glad that Christmas cards are behind us!!
Jenn :(

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Christmas Card Bloopers.....

So the time of year has come once again for the annual Christmas Card!

Last year I got away with a collage of many "first" moments with Parker! So we didn't have to go and "pose" for the Christmas card!

This year we were back into the routine. (Christmas cards are a BIG deal to me and I LOVE to get them in the mail-and I love to collect all the ones we have send out-this is #6 for us...WOW!) We went to a park a 1/2 hr away that had gorgeous scenery. We took a ton of photos,despite the chill in the air ! ~You will have to guess which ones we went with for the card!! I coordinated our colors with a sweater Parker got from Uncle Brian & Aunt Courtney and the outdoors were great for the colors were were in. I finally picked out 3 great ones after all our laughs from the many bloopers! Everything with Parker is about a ball-and we thought if Sam and Kendall held a Ball he would look at the camera!!! NOPE he cried for it!!! You will see.....

Hope you get a laugh out of some of these like we did.

Thanks Sam & Kendall , for going with us~ (we took theirs too).

Hmm,Can I do another collage next year? A lot of work to do it -but the memories are fun!

I ordered our cards from Shutterfly last night and glad to have that off the list!

Now for the decorations around here! I am getting motivated as I look at all my neighbor's yards!

Hopefully tonight at 7:30 (when Parker is in bed)-we will get going with the decorations and be done by our bed time...around 11!

Blessings to all of you,

Jenn :)