He is not a red-head but a blond?! Hmm, are we ever going to have a brown-haired or for that matter, brown eyed child? He resembles my side of the family, and he is definitely a "MaMa's Boy" 110%!
He cries for me if I am out of his sight. Kaden pitches the biggest fit "like the world is going to end" when I drop him off at MOPs or the church nursery.
(I think he is SO much like his mom-apparently I acted the same way around this age...YIKES!)
And in just a few short years, he will not have a care or cry for me?!
I love our sweet baby boy more and more!
Rewind 1 year ago....Winter 2010-
It took me awhile to bond with Kaden right after he was born! I must say that I never have once taken for granted the blessing and privilege from God to be a mom. I know that there are many women out there, longing to be mommies and would have done anything to have been in my/our shoes 1 year ago. But I am just reflecting my heart and being straight-forward and deep down honest.
I was completely overwhelmed at the care and demands Kaden required from the moment we brought him home-I was trying to figure out his different cries and felt like a failure as a mother, when he was unhappy. Above all that, I was overwhelmed with my time having to be split from him and Parker. And of course I was struck back that he came 3 weeks early! So I had a load of STRESS that was unbearable. This was our baby that screamed anytime I put him in the infant seat carrier and often took 3-4 attempts before he was content in it (making my preparation MUCH longer to get out the door). He had horrible reflux. Thankfully he slept and was not a severe case of "colic" that often is associated with reflux. However, laundry was a complete discouragement! BUT I loved him unconditionally and didn't care that I went through 3-4 shirts a day. Some days all he wanted was for me to hold him, and I couldn't get lunch till maybe 3:00 (which was usually when both boys were asleep). I couldn't wait for him to grow up more and become a "happy" baby~ I am so amazed that we survived and I think it was adrenaline and above all the grace of God that got me through those first 4 months! I had no sleep the first 4 months and all he wanted to do was eat. I often felt alone and wondered how I would make it to his first birthday? No family to rescue me while daddy was at work? But, at the right moments God brought the needed help and support along the way through friends and calls from my family!
Within those first 4 months we had him dedicated at church and Kaden was presented with a bible and a plaque with the meaning of his name. How encouraging it was for me at that season of life we were in, that I was longing for "peace" for him as a baby/ and his name means "peacemaker!" I was seeking to have peace and harmony in our home...and it was right before my eyes. I was focused on the "discouragements" and not looking at the gift that God gave us!
I pray he WILL live up to his name and be a peacemaker to all.
I am thrilled to fast-forward from the winter of 2010 and announce what a peaceful little boy he has become 13 months later !
I would never trade those sleepless nights for the lessons that God taught me and the special bond I DID develop with Kaden. However, I am SO much more LOVING the sleep-filled nights this winter compared to last! :)
What an amazing peace a mama can offer when there is a full night of "peaceful" sleep! We have loved watching him embark upon new journeys each month and celebrated some special occasions too. One very special occasion being his first trip/visit to New York to meet daddy's family.
We went to visit Mike's family last month for his Aunt's wedding.
It was priceless to watch the family interact and fall in love with him.{wink}I was able to capture a special bond with him and Uncle Dan "worshipping" in church.
It was Kaden's first time to sit in church and hear the music. He LOVED the music and what made it even better, Uncle Dan is a Music Minister in OH. "A boy after his own heart!" We love the little peacemaker he has become!
I thank the Lord for the blessing he is to our family; and the lessons and peace we have had the past 13 months :)