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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday, BIG BOY, Parker!

Sat.8/20,Parker officially turned 4! Where did our baby boy go?  I still remember the day we saw him for the first time,and we were filled w an overflowing bucket of love for him!
 He has been the best boy for us to work on as parents(and we are so thankful for his patience w us.)We are thrilled to announce that two days before his birthday,he told us that he had to go poop in the potty!!!!!!!!WHAT!??? "He said the words, I need to go poop!?"
It was like a birthday present for us,from Him! A whole week has passed since his birthday, and it has been a daily routine for him to go potty &"poopy" ALL on his OWN! We are so proud of him! We have had quite the "poopy"dances around here w our BIG 4year old!We are so proud of our Parkeroo,and looking forward to a new year of adventures, lessons&blessings from the Lord!
Happy 4th Birthday,Parker!We love you.
(His 4th birthday video isn't done yet, but,I will post when it is:)

 Ice-cream cake for the REAL birthday :)

 Grinning away on the morning of his first day of 4yr old pre-school!~

 Walking in with Ne-Ne....
 Parker and his teacher, Mrs. Sandy
Kaden & NeNe enjoying breakfast @ Whistlestop
We have been a busy family the last 3 weeks! Preparing for the big 4thd birthday (party, WESTERN STYLE), his first day of school *(8/22), Parker's first season playing Tee-Ball- officially began on the 20th. And to top all of this~we just ended a two week visit with NeNe. We have had a house full of adventure and I have been absolutely spoiled with her assistance. She is like my second mom and somewhat of a let down, when we have to take her back to the Air-port :( BUT, I am grateful to God for the two precious weeks we have had with her. Here are some sweet photos of Parker's birthday. We had a special guest come to the party this year! His Name is "Woody" from Toy Story! Have you heard of him? We LOVE Woody in our house and I think MOST of the guests enjoyed his visit too. Some were thrilled,some were mesmerized, and some were absolutely petrified! (You will see below).
More photos to come and enjoy the video at the end of Parker in action on his scooter :)
 He was greeting our guests till the "real" Woody arrived!

 He came and handed out the kids goody bags :)
 Parker having a "you've got a friend in me" chat with Woody!

Woody with the Jesse girl :)