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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weigh In Wed Update & White Water memories

I am down another 2. 4 almost 13 pounds! I have officially averaged about 2 pounds a week. I didn't lose anything last week, but was down almost 2 pounds today! I am finally starting to get into a great workout habit (and of course a few bumps that keep me off my goal);Kaden had a small virus last week, and I was SO bummed I had to miss Spin class on Monday. I really have been trying HARD not to eat anything after 8 PM but sometimes it is difficult. Which is more the reason, I need to get my body in bed by 10 or 10:30 at the latest,so I am not hungry and tempted to eat any more.Hopefully next week I will be down 3 pounds! :) 17 more to go for that 30lb goal.
This summer has been a memorable adventure~White Water!  I was SO nervous about purchasing season passes.I was dreading going there on a weekly basis (with out Mike's assistance) since K is my "menace" and BUSY, and then keeping up with Parker's interest, and of course, all the prep to get there etc.... But it has been a perfect investment of entertainment for the boys! (And a great time to socialize for me with other moms!) It became a weekly routine and a great way to wear the boys out for some good needed down time for me in the afternoons {wink}We went about 7 times and we could have gone a ton more. However, I was good for 1 or maybe 2 trips a week :) Just about every week we met up with other friends (who also had passes), or took guests in with our vouchers. We are looking forward to going a couple more times this summer. This is the last week that the park is open during the week. It will only be open on the weekends now through the middle of Sept. If you live in GA and are looking for a great activity to do with your family, get a Season Pass! If you go 2x it is totally paid for!
Here is Parker at White Water, with little Ava.
We have loved getting to know her from Church and she is one precious girl!
Parker saying his "good-bye" and going in for the "kiss" on Ava's forehead!
It was a moment to be captured...but I missed the kiss! LOL

Beach Bum Baby!! How cute is he!!? This is our neighbor and buddy Kai! We were so happy he finally got to come and join us. I LOVE this photo for him :) He is the most lovable boy with all his rolls. I just want to kiss him in this photo.

And aside from White are two recent photos of Kaden. He just turned 19 months and I am so smitten with his curls, he is getting cuter by the minute. He rode his first pony last week! (We were at the grand opening of a frozen yogurt place) and they were giving pony rides! He was so confident and begging to ride it! :) So, we finally gave in and put him on it.
And here is our most recent shot of him! 19 months old! :)
I better get busy and work on Parker's 4 year old video. I can't believe he will be 4 in 10 days! WOW!!! Time has flown by as we have been having a blast all summer at White Water :)