We are leaving tomorrow for our long awaited Clark Family Reunion. It is all in celebration of my parent's 40th Anniversary this coming August- 8/30 ! Definitely a great reason to go to Disney and clebrate-after all Disney is known to be "The Happiest Place on Earth!" We started planning the trip last May and it is finally here!
Mike and I last cruised (on Carnival ) for our honeymoon-so this will be a real treat. And we have been told- Disney is the best of them all! We will see and let you know when we return!
The weather is really rainy here in GA today-and Mike is still in Toronto! He is hoping to get on an earlier flight today. Lots of delays around the US today,at many airports ; my family is currently flying and some are sitting in Chicago with delays. Despite the delays it is so encouraging for them all to get out of the cold, snowy weather!
We obviously do not care if the weather is gloomy for a few days! I think it has been almost 3 years since all 15 of us have been together; (The original 10 adults that is -obviously we have expanded the family. )
Parker is napping and so I better go finish packing...clothes are out-but still trying to decide on what I definitely want to take?!
I will be happy when we finally get to Orlando. We are leaving tomorrow at around noon (or earlier) We are praying that we do not have rain the whole way!
MICKEY MOUSE.....Here we come!!
Jenn, Mike & Parker