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Friday, August 06, 2010

Kaden's Latest Adventures

Kaden turned 7 months last week!

He is growing like a weed and I don't see him as a baby so much now as currently seeing a sweet, happy, blue-eyed little boy!
 There is still lots of chubs and baby rolls to enjoy-but he has the cutest little personality.
His giggles is what gets all to fall in love with him. Of course, big brother has helped bring out ALOT of his personality just by being the entertainer. What baby needs toys, when you have an older, red-headed, energetic, outgoing, nearly 3 year old brother?
When Kaden was sick 2 weeks ago,he got weighed. And since his 6 month visit he has gained 2 lbs. He is 21.9 pounds! I have a feeling this kid will be close to 30lbs at his first birthday. However, he is just now getting more mobile, and I think he will be crawling possibly before summer ends!

He has discovered his toes, his hands( and he can hold his bottle now :) our faces, big brothers entertainment, and his newest discovery...cheerios!

And anything else mommy puts on his tray...
(Here is Kaden eating cheerios for the first time!)
(*Thanks to Caroline for loaning us her Bumbo Seat-makes life easier on mommy!)
He LOVES FOOD ! He is our second born so, I am more daring to try things a bit earlier with him :)
Needless to say, we have one happy-chubby little baby.
As I have been watching Kaden, I am thinking he is going to be a very compliant, laid back kid. He just takes it all in.  I am sure he is thinking about pay back time soon to big brother.
We are in awe of this sweet little blessing from God. It is so amazing to see the vast difference in Kaden and Parker. However, the love for our boys is unmeasurable! We can already see their personalities so different and each one requiring love in special ways.
We continue to thank God for allowing us to parent our boys!
We love you baby Kaden and can't believe you are closer to 1 now!
Mommy and Daddy

And any moment it looks like we will have a crawling boy...
Tonight we caught him trying to get up on all 4's-so I captured it on video.
(It was close to bath/bed time so he was a bit fussy, but he is one determined little boy. Gotta catch up to big brother!)