We had Kaden's birthday party@
Chic Fil A.
I highly recommend it, if you are looking for a fun way to celebrate, but don't have the time to clean the house (or the room) to house the family and friends! Best thing is, it is inexpensive,there's an indoor play place for activity for the kids,ice cream can be given in place of the toy,and the adults always love some good ol' sweet tea!
Chic Fil A.
I highly recommend it, if you are looking for a fun way to celebrate, but don't have the time to clean the house (or the room) to house the family and friends! Best thing is, it is inexpensive,there's an indoor play place for activity for the kids,ice cream can be given in place of the toy,and the adults always love some good ol' sweet tea!
Homemade cupcakes for Kaden's friends! :)
Everybody looking at Mike (as he sings his version of Happy Birthday to Kaden).
Kayleigh-Bugg and Parker having a sweet moment!
Kaden chilling out with Emma Kate!
I didn't order the party package,we just got kids meals for all the kids.
At the end of the party, we passed out Elmo Cake Pops!
(Now available with my business~ Riese's Pieces Cake Pops & Truffles).
Kaden LOVES CFA,so I knew it was a great match.
Thanks to all our friends who brought their kids out,New Years Weekend.(We felt like we had the whole restaurant,no one was there but us that Friday night).
The day of his party,he was NOT feeling well(ears),and had a super early nap.But as soon as we got there he lit up w joy!
I am still working on his 2yr video.
He just got a CD for Christmas from NeNe and Papa,and the songs all say his name...so it will eventually get done!We are excited to see what lies ahead in this new year w Kaden.One thing we know for sure, he is getting tubes! We are so anxious for a happier boy and not in distress at night.
Kaden is getting Tubes,Feb.3rd.
That in and of itself is a miracle! We don't have to wait 1month (many kids needing tubes do).The visit at the ENT went great. He is a candidate for tubes with the 7 ear infections, from 2011 & he has "glue ear". The fluid in his ear is so thick,they call "glue ear". The glue ear is usually not painful but can be for some cases. And it appears in Kaden's case it is painful-because he is NOT sleeping. The Nurse Practitioner that we saw, said it was like we were describing her son when he was little (*who got tubes around the same age as Kaden). So, she was so gracious and understanding that she pushed us up on the surgery schedule. I had in my mind a DR. that we should go with, but at that point ...we said who can get us in first!?
It turns out God was SO good, we got the head of the Practice (who we wanted) and are getting in 2 weeks! Dr. Parks did our friend, Trey's ear and also a few other kids we know. So, we are encouraged that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We really thought that he was possibly just giving us a hard time at night and needed to be moved out of his crib. So, we converted his bed and we still have the same sleeping habits. So, therefore we know it is his ears. Mike,me& especially Kaden,have not slept since mid Dec.
So,we are hopeful for Feb and TUBES or "New Ears" for Kaden. For us,this is what we are choosing to do.
I am not content to just keep medicating him every time an ear infection comes, and have possible hearing loss with all that fluid built up.
His poor body has been exposed to so much.So,going forward...the tubes can do their work to keep that fluid draining properly!
I know many parents are against tubes and surgery for what they think can be corrected other ways, But for him this is what we believe and have prayed about.
I am so thankful my sisters and friend(s),Joy&Liz, have all walked through this journey.
So,it almost feels like I have already experienced it.
However,it is our first time with our own child. So it is a bit deeper now that it is our little boy.
We are praying for a smooth process. We are dreaming of the the day again when we have a happy,sleeping boy! It seems like an eternity from now. (Feb 3 is just around the corner), but he has been miserable since Christmas!
I just cry with him some days, because there is SO little that I can do but hold him!
Amongst all these long days and nights he has these phrases lately- "Hold You!", "Mommy lay down,"
And of course one of the sweetest moments, I was walking out the door with him to run an errand because mommy could not be out of his sight, and Mike was home. Kaden overheard me say "Good Bye, Honey!" and instantly we heard an echo at the door;Kaden said "Goodbye, Honey-Kiss,Kiss!"
It was a priceless moment! :)
We know he is hearing well, because he is repeating almost everything we or Parker says.
So,thankful for this ray of hope! And thank you for all the support from my MANY friends who have reached out and been some support for me.
Kaden, we love you to pieces,even when you are at your saddest moments. We are praying for comfort and for God to heal you and most all that you will grow into a sweet, little boy who loves the Lord!
We are looking forward to a new year and "new ears!"
We thank the Lord for another year with you and can't wait to see all that you will learn (and even explore in your creative curious mind).
Happy 2nd Birthday, Kaden!
Daddy, Mommy & Parker