Here is the latest photo of me at 29 weeks!
(It was from my baby shower on Saturday, that some of my co-workers threw. It was wonderful and the stuff we got was a real blessing!)Today,I had the ever so famous...gestational diabetes test! (
You can see the lovely little orange-looking soda drink!)I will find out Friday if I passed. My DR. is not to worried and was proud that I had not gained any weight since my last visit 4 weeks ago! I got an "A" for the day from her. I hear it is hard to keep the weight down in the last tri-mester so I felt great about that! I have only gained 24 pounds thus far and it would be great to do no more then 30, but we will see!
I got some BIG news today!
I have a new due date...Aug. 20th! I was originally due, Aug. 25th! My O.B. upped my due-date by 5 days. I am also measuring BIG! So, the other big news is we get to have another Ultra-sound on Wed. June 20th! YEAH! We get to see Baby Riese again. My Dr. will be looking to see how BIG baby really is and/or if it my uterus that is measuring me "bigger." I am measuring closer to a 31 week pregnancy. So if all this means a shorter pregnancy...AMEN. Everything else was fine!
We are looking forward to seeing Baby Riese for the 3rd time! I will keep you posted on Baby News!
We are off to NY. on the 20th, following my ultra-sound. Looking forward to a nice 10 day stay!!
Blessings to all of you,
Jennifer, Mike and Baby Riese