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Friday, November 06, 2009

Sweet Pea Update & Fall Sweet Treats

Today I had my 28 week check up at my OB. (*Thank you Liz & Kayleigh for letting Parker come over and play so I could go to my appointment alone.) Sweet Pea is doing well and such a kicker in some of the most awkward places. Baby really likes to stick out (maybe an elbow? ) under my right rib all the time. Sweet Pea's heart is healthy and beating 150 bpm (for inquiring minds). AND NO weight gain for preggo mama in the past 4 weeks! It sure was tempting last weekend to give in to all those Peanut M& M's from Parker's Halloween Candy-but I really resisted the urge most of the week! I've maintained 24 lbs and praying not to go past my 28 lb pregnancy record! (Haha-with this sweet tooth we will see?)

I have another upcoming Ultra-sound on 11/30 to check on my placenta. Praying that it has moved in the right direction and will allow for another vaginal birth, but obviously God is in control and may have other plans for Sweet Pea's arrival. I'm so grateful each time I go in and hear that all is well! The miracle of life in amazing and there is not a day that goes by where I do not praise God for this pregnancy even though it has been more "dramatic" at times!

I also had the "LOVELY" Glucose test and no wonder I am not a fan of Orange Soda!....I really forgot how much I hated it after the test with Parker 2 & 1/2 years ago! This time it really made me want to puke-but I held in the urge. Praying that there is NO phone call this coming Tuesday saying that I failed. As much as I love my sweets I have tried to balance it out!

So, now that I have been a really good girl the past 2 weeks, here is what's cooking up in my kitchen! I LOVE the Fall and had to make this today: Pumpkin Roll

And for my boys (or more for my munchy cravings....)
Chex Mix Peanut Butter Muddy Buddies

I have been craving this for 1 week!!! So excited to munch on it tonight with my boys! I apologize for any sudden cravings that I pass onto to you blog readers. But-these are some of the yummiest treats for the fall that I just couldn't resist sharing!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Trick or Treat '09

Here is our Raggedy Andy! (We had a special wig-but of course he didn't want anything to do with it-so happy his "red hair" came in great use for the costume!)LOL
He was a a perfect Raggedy Andy with a sports theme going most of the night.
He carried around a tennis ball to the houses we visited.
Unfortunately, Parker was coming down with a bad cold and his Asthma was beginning to flare up. Not to mention that we also had had unwelcoming rain. But,we didn't let either one stop us from taking P out for a little bit to get the hang of "Trick or Treating."

We met up with his match Raggedy Ann (aka-Marlee) at Uncle Rick and Aunt Lala's house.

It was a blast for them as they got first dibs on all of Aunt Lala's BIG candy bars!

Then we went to a few houses in Marlee's cousins neighborhood.
They sure got the hang of it as we got to the last few houses.

Following the trick or treating-we had some chili with some friends and watched the Yankees beat the Phillie's!!! Yippee! It was a fun memorable night! Special thanks to Marlee's Grandma for making the costumes just for Her and Parker!

Please keep Parker in your prayers-he is having a rough time with his asthma. We just got back from the Pediatrician. We are trying a new prescription on top of the new recomendation of 6 breathing treatments a day! Maybe the prayer is more for me/us ~( I will be battling a strong willed red-head to do 4 of the 6 treatments when daddy is not around.)
Praying that the new prescription and treatments work and he doesn't get worse!
Definitely a full time job being a stay at home mom with a Asthma child-but grateful to have Parker in our lives and wouldn't trade him in the world for anyone! :)