I got an email yesterday from the Development Office (here at school-) telling me that if I bought 1 item from our Christian Collection Catalog sale, from my class consumption-I would win $100! (My class had to sell 210 items...total! They sold 209!) I hardly had to hesitate to spend $8-10.00 on an item that would in return allow me to gain $100.00! (Actually I would really get ...($82.00 to make out for the money I am already spending!) To fill you in-we have been selling Christian Collection! (It is a Catalog fundraiser to help out our school!) I do not contribute to the class orders...but once in a while, I will order from a student outside of my class room! So in the world of a husband who is an accountant ...he was all into helping me choose something last night! Anything with a goal-numbers- and Money back-HE is all for!) Michael told me it was a smooth move! We looked through the catalog to see what was the cheapest, to get the "1" item!
I actually found a great Stocking gift for Mom Riese!!! It was not so cheap...don't worry Mom Riese!
Speaking of blessings and money....Mike is due to get his Bonus for work, next week! So, we went out and bought a whole NEW bedroom set on Labor day! In 29 Years- (almost 29 :) I have never gone out and picked out a brand new bedroom set! I always remember, being so excited when Dad would get me a new bed that he got a garage sale! I was so happy whenever something was passed on to me...it "felt" new in my room! (My life of a purple bedroom and crisp white furniture-such the memories!)
So, I was like a kid at the Rooms-to-Go store-to pick out a new set! I wanted it delivered as soon as possible!! The "Soon as Possible" is actually not going to be delivered until,Saturday, Sept. 22! Oh the days will not come soon enough! But then when it comes...I will be so excited!
I am proud of all your hard work,Mike! I love you!Thanks for getting the Bedroom set for "US!" As Mike and I have been taught...decorate 1 room at a time (when you buy a house!)
We are loving the house and taking it slowly to decorate as we pay upfront! Patience is a big lesson through all this! Don't go into debt to decorate!!!
So my overall moral today: Be wise with the Money God has given you!
Blessings to you all,
Jenn & Mike