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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The latest on Baby Riese

Here is Baby Riese at 36 weeks...a nice close up! (This is a 4-D image,that we got as a free compliment of my OB office!)
The good news is that I do not have to have a scheduled c-section. Baby Riese has slowed down on the growth spurt. (Most likely will still be good size at birth!)
As of right now Baby Riese is 6 lbs and 7 oz! If no baby by Aug. 20th, then I will induced to hopefully have no bigger then a 9 lb baby! In the meantime we are enjoying the last 3 weeks together.
We will keep you posted as we await the arrival of our little bundle of joy!
Jenn,Mike and Baby Riese

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The countdown to Baby Riese's arrival begins...

August 20th (my tentative due-date) is just around the corner and we are making progress for the baby! I am officially 36 weeks pregnant and scary to say...but Baby Riese could be here in 2 weeks or so!
We just got the glider for the nursery! It came on Friday! Mike put it together in 20 minutes. It was one of the faster items to assemble and that was encouraging. I love the glider and so glad that we got a great deal on it. Not to mention all the gift-cards from friends & family for Babies-R-Us, really helped. We paid less then $20.00 for it, because of all the gift cards! We are very appreciative for them all!
Now for the changing table...once we have it the nursery will be basically done! (Of course there are many other things I will eventually want to add... toy box and book shelf!

I just got back Friday, from TN. I went to Knoxville,TN. to see my best friend Joy. She is 25 weeks pregnant and wanted to get registered. It was a nice 3 days together, and our last time before we are officially "Mom's"
Tuesday we are back to the OB for Ultra-sound #4 (to see how big baby has gotten) and then we will know a good idea as to when Baby Riese should tentatively be here! I am ready and my nights are not so peaceful anymore. Can't wait to finally have Baby here !(lol) Will my (our) nights every be peaceful sleeps again? Doesn't is all a "desired joy" that we are ready for!

(The photos are from my time with Joy and the glider in the nursery!)

Happy August (almost) to all!
Jenn, Mike & Baby Riese