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Monday, March 01, 2010

Two Months Old...too fast!

           WOW-Our sweet pea, Kaden is officially 2 months and trying to catch up to big brother!
Kaden had his 2 month check up on Wed, and we got a good report. Despite his reflux(which is getting MUCH better -THANK YOU to the Prilosac medicine), he is a growing weed.
Kaden is 13 lbs!!
Parker wasn't 13 lbs till he was about 4 months old. So, Kaden is growing faster in weight then Parker ever did. Kaden is 75% for weight and 50% in height. The boys are opposites in all ways. Parker is Tall and skinny (with no little butt) and Kaden is Chubs and short (with a little butt). It is SO cute to see all the baby rolls! He is starting to coo at mommy and daddy and once in a while at Parker! Parker is starting to "like Kaden" and have little conversations with him. Parker loves to bond with him at Bath time and share just about every toy and gadget with him.
Kaden is very alert around 2-5 and then he crashes by 6 or 7 and stays asleep till around midnight. I am just trying to get him to stay up till 8 or 9 so I only have 1 night feeding. Parker was sleeping 9 hour stretches by I will be estactic as soon as Kaden gets on board with no more night feedings...but I am loving the bonding we do get at night! Mike has been great about helping me a couple times a week to feed Kaden for one of them. It is hard to function on 3 or 4 hours of sleep and keep up with a 2 and 1/2 year old!
I know it is a calling to be a stay at home mom...but the other day I thought had reached my limit! I had about 2 hours of sleep the whole night prior and was a zombie...I was taking a shower and had Sesame Street on for Parker and Kaden was napping.
 Parker was way to quiet! I came down to a shocker...! Parker was on top of our bookshelf in the playroom playing IN the fish tank! Yes that preposition is IN!!! I am surprised Parker didn't kill the fish! Half the water was gone, and I was about ready to go hide...and didn't know where to hide! So, I just cried in front of Parker and he said "Oh-Oh Mommy-I get the Bug!" He thinks the Algae eater in the fish tank is a BUG.
I took care of the basics and explained as much as I could to this stinking cute, redheaded 2 and 1/2 year old that we do NOT climb up to the fish or the BUG and play with them. It is only for Looks...and that he would be spanked AND in time out if he did it again! I HOPE he gets the message.
 Mike finished later that night. Oh the joy's of maintaining the life of a 2 year old and surving on little sleep with a newborn.
Needless to say -Parker needs to be busy and entertained or he will entertain himself with trouble!
To Keep Parker busy on Saturdays -we have signed him up for Soccer at our YMCA! We are members at the Y and Parker LOVES going there while mommy works out. Now I think he is going to be more in love with Soccer then the nursery and always wanting to play Soccer Ball~Mike played Soccer all through out school and we are so excited Parker gets to start so early. The program is called "Sporties for Shorties" and it just makes me laugh. He will begin playing on Saturday, March 12th and end the first part of May. Following Soccer, he will get to start T-Ball. He LOVES to play with all sports balls so it will be fun to see what sport he ends up favoring over all. I can't wait to post back how his first experience with Soccer goes!
In the meantime little brother will be sleeping and eating a ton to catch up so he can be out there playing the sport too.
*Here are Some more photos of our family photo shoot that we had done recently! I wanted to get some photos in before Kaden was too big. Thankfully the weather was 70 degrees last weekend and Parker was AWESOME for us. My good friend Lorelei too the photos with her new Nikon that she recently got...the key of course was that we followed the 2 year old around and he responded great to the photographer cause he LOVES his Aunt La-La!