Today, Kaden is a week old and I am still in shock that he came before the 2009 year ended!
I was scheduled to go in on Tuesday, 12/29 for my 37 week check-up! Sunday night (the 27th) I began getting Braxton Hicks /or contractions as what I am now told every 7-10 min. I went to bed feeling AWFUL and tried to sleep it off. This was ALL foreign to me. I had 1 Braxton hick with Parker and was induced with him. I woke up at 4:30 AM and got in the tub-hoping I would feel better. I felt the same! So, I just waited for the clock to say 9AM so I could call my OB. I had a feeling if I called the DR on call they would make me go into the hospital in the middle of the night-and I didn't want to have to deal with all that.
Mike went to work at 8:30 AM, Monday-12/28! I called my OB office by 9AM and got a phone call back from then within 30 min. My Dr. was ordering me to go to Tri-age right away!
( FYI-since I was Placenta Previa they only want you to labor so long on your own.) The week before I was already 2 cm and 50% effaced. I had SO much to do before I could get to the hospital, I had to make arrangements for Parker (and THANK YOU Aunt Sam for watching Parker all day Monday and Tuesday!) I called Mike and he packed his bag to come back home (after being at work for only 40 min). We arrived by 11:30 to the Hospital and I refused to take my bags in! I really wanted another week or two to get things ready for the baby! Well that wish was never granted-but Mike sure got his wish! I got hooked up to the monitor and discovered that I was in ACTIVE LABOR. I was having Contractions every 2-4 min. Some were more worse then others. Apparently I had been in active labor for almost 2 days....but I had been having Braxton Hicks for almost 2 months-that my body just got used to it! I was asking when I was going to get checked and see if I had dialated any further. My Dr was the only one who could check me and she was with patients-so I had to wait for her to come. She kept getting updates from the nurses-and insisted on them giving me an IV to slow down my contractions! It didn't work! SO -by 3:00 the decision was made-Surgery was at 5PM. Baby was not going to wait and Baby wanted out! He was already descending down the birth canal!
I was so happy that He came when he did-Mike's parents were in the car by 6PM and drove all night to stay for the week with us! (My mother in-law is a teacher and had the whole week off!) God really has a better plan then any of us!
My surgery was a successful one with no complications. I am recovering well and being good not to over do it! I have a husband who has stepped up and been AWESOME to take over the whole house and care for Parker. I know he is really looking forward to the break once my mom arrives!
During the birth-The only concern was that the baby was only 36 weeks and 5 days gestationally. So we were prepared for him to go to NICU!
Here are the photos that will help unfold the rest of the day...a moment I will forever remember and YES the best surprise and happy ending to my surgery was hearing IT'S A BOY!
And of course....he will always be known as our tax deduction baby! So, because he came the end of the year-it was so fitting for the proud CPA dad to get that name "Ramsey" in there after the famous Dave Ramsey (financial planner) As for the rest of Kaden's name-we loved Kaden -which means Spirited
Mikah (which is a form of Michael-means who is like God)
Thanks for ALL the love and prayers! Can't believe my pregnancy journey has come to an end and now the journey of being a mommy to 2 has begun! Amazing how much love you can have for 2!