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Thursday, March 12, 2009

$38.00 Bargain!

We have an obsession here in the is called, CONSIGNMENT SALES!
It is a HUGE event in the south that in the Spring and the late Summer (just in time for Fall) Mom's get all their kiddos clothing that they have outgrown and re-sell them at local churches and community centers (Civic centers, Fairgrounds, etc)! Being one who grew up and lived in the North, it is not something as big up there! Most of the clothing is name brand (Baby Gap, Gymboree, Old Navy, Osh-Kosh, Target.....) and in excellent condition.
This is one way we make it possible for Parker to be home with me...... 80% of Parker's clothing comes from Consignment Sales! However, we do splurge from time to time at Gymboree, Baby Gap or even good ol' Target! But as a first time Mom, I have come to appreciate these "Hand-me-downs" from other kids. Kids don't stay in clothes like adults do and I cringe when an outfit is over $10.00! I would rather save the $$ and splurge on things that have a lasting life span with Parker! We do have a few local Consignment Stores that are open all the time, but this is different. The best part is that some of the moms/sellers will sell their items 1/2 price on Saturdays. (Most of the sales begin on Thursday mornings and end on Saturdays).But, more then likely, I know it will not be there come that Saturday! I took Parker today, for the second year in a row to a local Methodist Church. I knew I was in for it when I saw the parking lot! Samantha forewarned me IT WAS PACKED as she was one of the first to arrive. Here is how obsessed some mom's are; Remember all the commercials about the appliance stores having those closeout deals? The people camp out over night until the doors open! Or the commercials, of $99.00 wedding dress bargains and all the Bridzillas? Well, we mom's get obsessed and jump to be there on opening day. (Now granted the mom's don't camp out for the sales, but they are waiting in line before it opens.) I am not one of those extreme mom's! But I do get EXCITED to get some great deals for P! Parker was great, and strolled along happily as I found him new clothes- we met up with Kayleigh and Liz! She found some great stuff at the Fairgrounds and a few items for K at this one. I will really be in trouble if/when we ever have a girl! (They always have rows and rows for girls . The boys are always more slim pickings, but today I was very impressed! (I actually had to put some stuff back!) He will be one preppy boy in these great Polos that we got!
I also got P the Fisher Price Animal Sounds Zoo for $4.00 and it is originally $42.00 on Amazon! (That was a great $38.00 savings)and it is in the original box and has all the pieces!

So, my secret be told! If you are ever visiting in March or August I will be more then happy to take you on a shopping spree at some of these great Consignment Sales for your kids!
Off to eat lunch and wash all the "new" clothes. Just adds to the loads I already have to do! (Urrr!)
Can't wait to hear of any other bargains you may have found or your secrets to cut cost!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Backyard Spring Cleaning

The weather was BEAUTIFUL this weekend, and Parker got a Little Tykes Outdoor play set from some friends of ours! So, the motivation was in high gear and Mike and I worked away in the back-yard! Parker napped for 3 hours on Sunday, and we raked away,bagged up leaves, & raked, bagged leaves, swept the patio, bagged up leaves (did I already mention that)? and cleaned up the back yard! Making a grand total of .....12 bags of leaves, sticks and debris! We are "just" a little sore today! But the labor was worth it for the satisfaction of 1 happy little boy!

Apart from all the clean-up Saturday, Mike rented a wood chipper and chopped up the Bradford tree remains (that my dad cut down over a year ago0). It has been sitting in our back yard forever! No need to go to Home Depot and buy mulch this spring! We have plenty for the front & back yard!

Kayleigh comes on Monday & Tuesdays, and was SO excited to see the play set in the backyard! Needless to say the day is going by FAST since they are entertaining each other, while climbing away on the play set.

Spring approaching also means that it is once again time for beautiful trees, greener grass, short sleeve clothing, and we must not forget "Mikes 3rd love,"Softball! Mike was in his glory yesterday,as he played with his PWC friends and their league. He plays on "too many leagues" (3)~ but it is his way of workout vs. me working out at the Y! I always tell him he must spend MORE time with us each week before he plays in all the leagues! He agrees and I will say he does a good job balancing 95% of the time! Besides he is working hard, so he needs a little time for some fun. This next Sunday, we will celebrate Mike's 29 and holding birthday( yes I married younger...but love that he is so full of life and I think always will be), so we will be going out on Saturday night with some friends for some good old Mexican!
We hope that Spring comes your way quickly if it hasn't!

Happy Spring :)