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Saturday, April 02, 2011

Spring has sprung...

and it is officially time for our annual Easter photos!
 I have made it a tradition (that I must keep up with) to take the boys for Easter photos (And we get a pose with an Easter animal).
I love the spring and I love the Easter Holiday.
It means NEW Beginnings and of course the New Life in Christ :)
Parker's first Easter he posed with a grey bunny. His second Easter he got to meet a baby lamb named Liam.
Last year it was Kaden's first Easter, and let's just say there were not just tears but lots of them. Parker was paranoid of the rabbits and Kaden wanted a nap :( but they posed with two bunnies).
This year we had our good friend and photographer Jason Pendley, take the photos of the boys with once again two furry, cute little bunnies!
We are happy to report  that there were NO tears and he got some great shots~"Yippee!"
Parker was hesitant and kept afar distance from the bunnies. However,Kaden, could not get enough of those little bunnies. (ie; attacking them, pulling them up by their ear, picking their fur....poor baby bunnies :(
 These two boys are like night and day and keep me laughing :)
I am looking forward to the photos and can't wait to post them.
Here are some fun snapshots I got after (as we were watching some other friends get their photos done).

                                        The boy has no fear and was in LOVE with these bunnies :)
(Escaping from the attacks of Kaden :)

As Easter means new life and beginnings we are excited to share that we have some "new beginnings" officially in our house....Kaden is walking! He has taken a few steps the last couple of weeks, but the confidence has arrived and he took off tonight.He took over a dozen steps tonight. He is like a little robot with his hands out in front of him and walking so proudly:)
The neat thing is that Joy& David came over to visit since her parents were in town.We all witnessed before our very eyes Kaden in action! We just watched and cheered :) It was so sweet! He may be our second born, but the excitement and overwhelming joy all surfaced again for Mike and me, like it did the day Parker took his first steps:)
We are SO proud and excited for this "OH NO"-new chapter of his life. out Kaden is walking!
Happy Early Easter to all :)

THANK YOU,Jason Pendley for a fun and memorable day of Easter photos with the boys!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Memorable March Moments

March is coming to an end and we have done ALOT this past month!
Here are some of our highlights:
Parker had 3 birthday parties this month.
Parker was invited by three friends this month to help celebrate their 3rd birthdays.  They ALL had their parties at the local Gymnastics Academy. We surely had no problem looking for entertainment on the weekends.

Happy Birthday to Charlotte, Emily and Sailer! Parker had a blast at all 3 of your parties :)
Mike just turned 31 and we had a simple celebration and good' ol Chocolate Mint Cupcakes from our sweet friend, Cynthia! (Mike and I just went out this past weekend with our good friends, Rick and Lorelei for a long awaited date and we celebrated his birthday).

The middle of the month I had a date with Parker and took him to NCCS (where I used to teach) to see their Spring Musical-Beauty & The Beast! He LOVED it and so did all of our sweet friends that joined us.

Kayleigh and her friend, Reese (dancing in the aisles as Belle sings)

(Parker, Kayleigh and Reese-we also had Reese Allen and Marlee with us too:)

(Me and "Sweet Caroline")
Most days he wakes up and "ROARS" at me and says "I am the beast,I am going to get you!" And I say-"No! Where did the sweet beast go?" I constantly remind him of the nice, sweet, beast at the end of the show! He is all boy but deep down he is so sweet and very lovable all around (even the stubborness:)
We LOVED having Kayleigh Bugg join us (her dad and Caroline too).Liz got sick the night before and was unable to attend. So, Daddy stepped right up and made a night of memories for Kayleigh :) I know she LOVED it and Parker LOVED having her there!
Kaden has taken a few steps this month and we are working daily to make it more then 2 or 3. It looks like he is completely following in Parker's footsteps...Parker was 15 months when he officially walked. Today, Kaden is officially 15months! I am blown away...where did our little baby boy go? I feel like a broken record most days...."Kaden, NO-NO!" Kaden,No-NO!" that is because I am constantly chasing him away from the toilets, we tend to forgot to shut the door, or get him out of the cupboards! Never dull around here.
I took him this AM for his check up and he has slowed down for sure. He is 27.1lbs and 30&3/4 inches. 50% in each category!

                                   He is quite a charmer and loved by all-especially at Birthday parties :)
Please keep my family in your prayers. My Great Uncle Richard passed away last week. He has been precious to our family, and most of all he filled the gap as "Grandpa" the last 25 years since my grandpa (his one and only sibling) passed away. So, we will miss Great Uncle Richard and are forever grateful for all his love and care to our family. He always made us laugh at Christmas time- the past 3 years we have gotten two cards from him, one was always signed "Love, Uncle Richard" and the other was always signed, "Merry Christmas-Dick Wilson!" We got double the Christmas Blessings :) We will miss those cards. He made a special effort to make it to all of our weddings and was a trooper for our wedding since it was in June and was well over 90degrees that weekend. Uncle Richard would have turned 89 this July. He loved the Lord and certainly is no longer suffering. He had congestive heart failure and also came down with pneumonia the last couple of weeks. So, we are rejoicing that he is with the Lord and comfortable.  Therefore, the boys and I will be flying into Chicago the 2nd weekend in April for his memorial service. We will be spending the weekend with my mom's side of the family and staying in a hotel.  Once the weekend events are over we will be driving to MI, and staying with my family for a full week. It's been 1 year since I have been home and 2 years since Parker has been in MI. I am really praying for a sweet visit with my mom's family and really looking forward to the "break" from normal life and just getting away to see the family. We had originally planned to go up to MI the last weekend in the month for Easter, and would miss seeing my sister, Jolyn and her family (who just moved to Nova Scotia). But now I will get to see ALL of my sisters. God always has better plans and I am happy that he worked it all out for me and the boys to be home for a good stay.
 I covet your prayers for the boys to adjust and adapt to our weekend schedule and the 10 days away. They are both great sleepers once they get settled. I really need prayers for my 2 hour direct flight. (First flight going there is into Chicago then coming home we will be flying out of Flint,MI) It will be Kaden's first time flying and of course ...2 hours straight on my lap! EEEEK!! I think Parker will be fine since he loves playing the IPAD and is easily entertained by technical devices.
Looking forward to April's Adventures :)