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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

January 13, 2010 "Sweet Pea's" scheduled Birthday! This past Monday was my 32-week check-up and I had quite a visit! I have been sharing the past 8 months-it has been DRAMA! Once again-I had a few more curve balls thrown at me on Monday. Unfortunately, the Placenta is still to low and I now have 100% Placenta Previa! Thankfully, I am not on complete bed rest and I can still lift my 2 year old. I had another Ultra-Sound (AND STILL DON' KNOW THE GENDER-...I can't believe I didn't peek) (But after seeing "Sweet Pea" and hearing the size- I am convinced that is another BOY! Mike still thinks it is a GIRL! The Baby is HUGE! (I know that ultrasounds can be off by a pound or two) However, as of Monday, "Sweet Pea" was already 5lbs 7oz! So due to three main facts: 
1. another Large baby
2.Placenta Previa
3. my past delivery with Parker and his size
Therefore, it is in the best interest that I have a C-section on Wed. Jan 13 at 8:30 AM! It was allot for me to process all on Monday. I am content that God is in control. I  would hate to have complications during a natural birth, and then  get rushed into emergency surgery! I love my OB and trust her. She has been doing this for over 26 years. Ultimately-God already knows the whole outcome and I am really relying on him for strength and peace. I am not so much concerned about the surgery-as I am about just keeping the baby in as long as possible and not having any issues with the Previa!
There is a great advantage to all of this. My mom will be able to fly in on Sat. Jan. 9 and be here in time to help with Parker! Not to mention the fact that I can get to salon and get that last pedicure before Sweet Pea arrives! In addition, now that I know I will go through the c-section and because we do not know the gender, it will be something exciting to look forward to at the end of the procedure!
This morning I cried to Mike that this whole pregnancy has been SO much DRAMA and just wished it could be all normal like when I was pregnant with Parker. However, I was reminded that no pregnancy is alike! I need to let God be in control. He has blessed us naturally with another baby that we will soon meet and I need to cherish the last few weeks of the baby growing with in me. It is so sweet to feel the kicks and somersaults. I really can see that I am NOT in control and God has a plan that is much better then mine. I know that he understands my heart and I am so grateful that he is with me each step of the way. Joshua 1:9 ~"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
We covet your your prayers as we prepare for Sweet Pea's Delivery day! Here are some current photos and another shot of Sweet Pea in the womb-but baby sure is running out of room and getting pudgy!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Heart of Gratitude

We heard the best message today in church and and I am choosing to have this be my purpose and hearts desire. As I am nearing the end of my pregnancy-the hormones have really exploded and attacked me emotionally and verbally! Even though I am pregnant,I can not blame my whole attitude on my pregnancy. But it does make sense at times why I am so emotional! I can still find deep joy in my toughest times because of the cross and all that God has done for me.
Thanksgiving Day is not a day that we should set aside as the ONLY day to be thankful-we need to be Thankful each day and have a Heart of Gratitude if we are true follower of Christ.

Here are 5 Key notes that I got from today's message:
I have heard the verse "Do not quench the spirt" (I. Thess 5:19)over and over again growing up-but it had real meaning and purpose today for me!

1.When you do not rejoice in your life and are focused on your daily trials-you are "quenching" the spirit.
-When you rely on your own ability and life trials-you are "quenching" the spirit.
-You miss out on what God is doing when you focus on the negative.
2. Do you see the Power of God @ work on trials in your life or do you only see the trial? (I often focus on the trials and forget to "let go and let God be God!")
3. Are you grateful for the blessings that God has provided?
I really need to focus more on this! God has blessed me above and beyond. It is such a blessing that Mike is hard working and has a great job that allows me to stay home with P. On top of all that, my family and extended family are so encouraging, godly and uplifting whenever we are together or chat. Not only have I been blessed with a wonderful, husband, son family and in-law family. But, I have been blessed beyond measure with some very close friends who are much like "sisters" to me! Living away from our families has been hard-but God has given me some friends that have filled that gap and stepped in to be there for me!
4. Do you meet each situation with a positive outlook or a negative outlook? I can honestly say that I am 50/50 on this. I am really trying (especially being a stay at home mom to try and focus on the positive and not look at things so negatively!) I know that every day is not going to be a bowl of cherries-but I can definitely rejoice in the tough times and be grateful for what God has given me and the best job -even though it is by far the hardest-"Parker's mommy and our new baby on the way!"
5.Are you living with an Eternal perspective or an Earthly perspective?
I pray that I can continue to look to the Cross and not get so caught up in the earthly trials that can weigh me down. It really is a joy to be a child of God and know what it really means to have a Heart of Gratitude!
I hope this is encouraging to you too!
As we prepare for the Christmas Holiday-I am choosing to "Rejoice in the Lord always" and be grateful for all he has done for me!"