How Many Have Visited....

Monday, December 28, 2009

SWEETPEA, it's a BOY: The $6000 Savings Baby

Kaden Mikah Ramsey Riese

Surprise, It's a Boy!
And a surprise, indeed, that December 28th is Kaden's birthdate.

We are thrilled and happy to announce our adorable 7lb 6oz, 18 1/2" healthy 36-week brown-haired baby boy.  He was born via scheduled [as of this afternoon] c-section, and arrived at 5:30pm.
Kaden and Mom are doing well.  Parker and Dad are holding down the fort and waiting for NeNe and Papa to arrive on the 29th!

Thank you for all the love and prayers.  More photos to come!

Yes, those of you who know the father, will appreciate the second middle name as well as give Mike props for lucking out on his son's healthy birth and bypassing the January 1st change in health insurance.  Stay tuned in to Dave Ramsey... 

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tax Deduction Baby??!

Is what Daddy is really hoping for...Mommy-not so much! 
Today, we had my 36 week check up and we got some surprising news. I am already 2cm and 50 % effaced. Now, of course many mom's walk around being dialated for awhile-but I can only dialate to 5 and then my OB has to schedule me for my c-section. My OB said the baby is definitely not going to make it to Jan. 13th! She can not automatically schedule us next week for a c-section because I will not be 38 weeks (GA state Law for inductions or scheduled c-sections) But- Mike would be thrilled if we really have "Sweet Pea"  come naturally by  next Friday. From Mike's world as a CPA He is looking at things financially! -It would save us just about $7,000 to have the baby before the 31st. We will be switching to a new Health Care plan for GE on Jan. 1st. And unfortunately, we have a lovely 5k deductible on top of  oweing 20% of my hospital visit! But of course if the baby comes-before the year is over, it is all under the OLD plan and how amazing that it is 100% covered! Mike obviously cares most about the health and safety of me and the baby! But  he just reminded me of all that info today! No pressure on me by any means!!!!! I am having more frequent Braxton Hicks-but I am SO content for Baby to stay in as long as possible for the growth of the lungs and health over all! Not to mention that my mom doesn't come in until Jan. 9th and Uncle Rick and Aunt La-La (our neighbors and close friends who will take care of Parker if I go in before the 13th) are headed to FL next week! We do have some back up plans just in case. God really has a great sense of humor. I know that the moment we found out that we were expecting "Sweet Pea," God already knew how the whole ending would/will unfold. It really is a waiting window now for us. I really do not want the baby to come before the 5th- but that is me the "Planner/teacher" speaking! Keep us in your prayers over the next week! I did video the baby's heartbeat today (just for a fun memory). Heart was beating at  143 and that is really close to what Parker always was! I say BOY and Mike says GIRL!
We have been enjoying our time with Parker as we get ready for the Christmas Holiday!
I Love this photo of him looking so innocent and sweet!

 This past weekend we had a special visit from my College Friend, Krisha -her Husband Dave, and their 4 boys! Yes...We had a house of 5 little boys running around and Parker loved it! He was unsure what to think at first-but the boys showed him some new ways to play "Basketball" and now he loves it even more. They spent 1 night with us and are in FL for the week visiting some family. We will see them the beginning of next week before they head back to MI.


                       I finally got our Christmas decorations up and
                       I really did keep it SIMPLE!


(The Wall Hanging Parker made at Pre-School!)
 I will add the video soon of Sweet Pea's heartbeat!
Next visit with my OB is on Tuesday at 10:30AM!
We will keep you posted!
Have a Very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Holiday Happenings

Christmas is next week and our tree is finally up… BUT that is as far as we have gotten in our household.:( sigh- My energy is depleting FAST!
I LOVE the Christmas season, but due to being 35 weeks pregnant and having our baby 3 weeks or less after Christmas, we have decided to do minimal decorations this year. It’s probably better with a 2 year old around this house, that the less decorations the better. One thing I am keeping up with and decorating is the Christmas Cards! I love going to the Mailbox each day; it is definitely filling up with Christmas Cards and that we do LOVE. It is a blast to decorate with the Cards and see how so many of our loved ones are doing!

Parker had his 1st Preschool Christmas Party yesterday. He was all dressed up in his Christmas Outfit and had a blast eating the goodies and posting with his many friends. He made us a sweet Photo Glass Bulb Ornament and Angel Canvas Hanging that we will cherish over the years. He is picking up SO many things at his preschool. He knows how to count to 10 and is starting to associate his number recognition! The other day he asked me for a French fry and I handed him one that had another one attached. He looked at it and  said "Oh-2 Fries!" I was so excited that he recognized it!

We took him to see Santa last night and it was a traumatic moment! It was basically a repeat of last year. But it was a great tradition that we may have begun. Wed. it is free to go and see Santa at a local outdoor shopping center and they give FREE Horse Carriage rides too! Mike was able to leave work early and be with us. It is getting to be much colder at night and starting to feel like "Winter Wonderland" here in GA!

Today, Parker and I went over to Kayleigh's house to have a Happy Birthday Jesus PJ party! It was so sweet to see the kids decorate cookies, make some crafts and sing to Jesus! We love those special play days!
On a bitter sweet note~Tuesday was my last day babysitting Kayleigh and Caroline. I will sure miss them-and Parker will miss them even more! It has been a wonderful 2 years with Kayleigh and a great 3 months with Caroline as well!

Obviously, having our baby in Jan. will not allow for me to continue the childcare for the girls-so they will be staying with a neighbor friend for the rest of the school year when their mommy works. The good thing is that we have established a great friendship! Parker and Kayleigh are inseparable and are like twins in many ways. We plan on having Parker and Kayleigh in preschool together next year too! We love the program at BHBC and are so grateful for the 2 days a week of a break for me and socialization for Parker!
I can not believe that Next Friday we will be celebrating Christmas Day. This will be our 2nd Christmas in GA and first one away from Family. It is hard to not be with them but we are excited to see my parents in 3 weeks and Mike's parents in Feb. I know it will be a blast to watch Parker open up many gifts from the family. He is ALL into Thomas the Train-so we will be having a Thomas Overload Christmas this year. But of course we are trying to instill the real meaning of Christmas to Parker and will continue our tradition from last year. We will be attending the Christmas Eve Service with some friends and making sure Parker knows about the Christmas Story as he continues to get older!

I am now 35 weeks pregnant and Sweet Pea will be here 3 weeks after Christmas! (Yup that is a recent photo of me -up above-at 35 weeks-I feel huge!)

The time has FLOWN by. I must say that we are really trying to soak up some precious time with Parker these last few weeks as a family of 3! I know he will be a great BIG brother to Sweet Pea and I can not wait to have the baby OUT! I'm starting to get really Uncomfortable! I have had Braxton hicks constantly and of course I am getting tired very easily. All of this is part of the package with "cooking" a baby! We are glad that Sweet Pea is healthy and growing. Tuesday is my next appointment and I will be going each week till delivery day! Fingers crossed that Baby is cooperative and at least waits till after the 8th to arrive. (My mom flies in on the 9th!) I am such a planner and would so love to stick with the scheduled c-section on 1/13. However, with all the drama and the past adventures the last 8 months-watch Sweet Pea come before the 13th! Just trying to prepare myself! Keep me in your prayers the last few weeks as I try to man the house and entertain a 2 year old till the middle of Jan. Really need to just soak up some good naps when P naps! I am so thankful for him being a great sleeper!
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Holiday and remember the real reason for the Christmas Season.

(My camera is dying and so I apologize for not posting so many photos lately and also a lack of editing! Hoping Santa Brings me a new one....HINT-HINT- "Mike!") 
*We will be mailing out Birth Announcements and family photos in Jan. I am not being a scrooge this year-I would rather wait to do cards once the baby comes!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Pink Eye, Photo Contest & Peace

Crazy Title~but those three things are on my mind today.
Parker woke up at 8:15 this AM with a wicked HIGH fever of ...104! YIKES-I panicked and was concerned-I usually do not panic,but I do when it gets over 103. I hate seeing him SO lethargic and in pain. While we were at the DR. they tested for strep and the flu (but I was praying that the flu was negative since I had him get both vaccines.) And of course no ear infections! I was also taking him in for his eye. Yesterday- it was looking watery and crusty and my suspicions were right. He has his first case of Pink Eye! The high fever is still a mystery! Therefore-we are keeping a good eye on his fever. I hope that it is a virus and his body will fight it off.
Parker is in a local Photo Contest and we would LOVE your vote. A former teacher friend of mine is the editor of this Magazine- and I entered Parker in their photo contest. I would LOVE to win the GA Aquarium Tickets. I would love for my parents to take Parker in Jan when they come for a visit. We can't win without the help of your daily votes! Thanks in advance for the daily votes! :)
Finally yet importantly-I am thankful that God has given me a peaceful heart about Jan. 13! That is the day of my scheduled C-section with Sweet Pea. I had a rough week last week as I was just processing all the information. It was allot in one day's visit! However, after talking to many close friends, and our Small group from Church-I am so at peace about the planned birth C-section for Sweet Pea. Some of my friends have experienced scary, emergency c-sections and have had more complications then I! So, I am counting my blessings for a great OB ~who is watching out for me in more ways then 1, a healthy baby thus far and a great support group of family and friends!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

January 13, 2010 "Sweet Pea's" scheduled Birthday! This past Monday was my 32-week check-up and I had quite a visit! I have been sharing the past 8 months-it has been DRAMA! Once again-I had a few more curve balls thrown at me on Monday. Unfortunately, the Placenta is still to low and I now have 100% Placenta Previa! Thankfully, I am not on complete bed rest and I can still lift my 2 year old. I had another Ultra-Sound (AND STILL DON' KNOW THE GENDER-...I can't believe I didn't peek) (But after seeing "Sweet Pea" and hearing the size- I am convinced that is another BOY! Mike still thinks it is a GIRL! The Baby is HUGE! (I know that ultrasounds can be off by a pound or two) However, as of Monday, "Sweet Pea" was already 5lbs 7oz! So due to three main facts: 
1. another Large baby
2.Placenta Previa
3. my past delivery with Parker and his size
Therefore, it is in the best interest that I have a C-section on Wed. Jan 13 at 8:30 AM! It was allot for me to process all on Monday. I am content that God is in control. I  would hate to have complications during a natural birth, and then  get rushed into emergency surgery! I love my OB and trust her. She has been doing this for over 26 years. Ultimately-God already knows the whole outcome and I am really relying on him for strength and peace. I am not so much concerned about the surgery-as I am about just keeping the baby in as long as possible and not having any issues with the Previa!
There is a great advantage to all of this. My mom will be able to fly in on Sat. Jan. 9 and be here in time to help with Parker! Not to mention the fact that I can get to salon and get that last pedicure before Sweet Pea arrives! In addition, now that I know I will go through the c-section and because we do not know the gender, it will be something exciting to look forward to at the end of the procedure!
This morning I cried to Mike that this whole pregnancy has been SO much DRAMA and just wished it could be all normal like when I was pregnant with Parker. However, I was reminded that no pregnancy is alike! I need to let God be in control. He has blessed us naturally with another baby that we will soon meet and I need to cherish the last few weeks of the baby growing with in me. It is so sweet to feel the kicks and somersaults. I really can see that I am NOT in control and God has a plan that is much better then mine. I know that he understands my heart and I am so grateful that he is with me each step of the way. Joshua 1:9 ~"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
We covet your your prayers as we prepare for Sweet Pea's Delivery day! Here are some current photos and another shot of Sweet Pea in the womb-but baby sure is running out of room and getting pudgy!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Heart of Gratitude

We heard the best message today in church and and I am choosing to have this be my purpose and hearts desire. As I am nearing the end of my pregnancy-the hormones have really exploded and attacked me emotionally and verbally! Even though I am pregnant,I can not blame my whole attitude on my pregnancy. But it does make sense at times why I am so emotional! I can still find deep joy in my toughest times because of the cross and all that God has done for me.
Thanksgiving Day is not a day that we should set aside as the ONLY day to be thankful-we need to be Thankful each day and have a Heart of Gratitude if we are true follower of Christ.

Here are 5 Key notes that I got from today's message:
I have heard the verse "Do not quench the spirt" (I. Thess 5:19)over and over again growing up-but it had real meaning and purpose today for me!

1.When you do not rejoice in your life and are focused on your daily trials-you are "quenching" the spirit.
-When you rely on your own ability and life trials-you are "quenching" the spirit.
-You miss out on what God is doing when you focus on the negative.
2. Do you see the Power of God @ work on trials in your life or do you only see the trial? (I often focus on the trials and forget to "let go and let God be God!")
3. Are you grateful for the blessings that God has provided?
I really need to focus more on this! God has blessed me above and beyond. It is such a blessing that Mike is hard working and has a great job that allows me to stay home with P. On top of all that, my family and extended family are so encouraging, godly and uplifting whenever we are together or chat. Not only have I been blessed with a wonderful, husband, son family and in-law family. But, I have been blessed beyond measure with some very close friends who are much like "sisters" to me! Living away from our families has been hard-but God has given me some friends that have filled that gap and stepped in to be there for me!
4. Do you meet each situation with a positive outlook or a negative outlook? I can honestly say that I am 50/50 on this. I am really trying (especially being a stay at home mom to try and focus on the positive and not look at things so negatively!) I know that every day is not going to be a bowl of cherries-but I can definitely rejoice in the tough times and be grateful for what God has given me and the best job -even though it is by far the hardest-"Parker's mommy and our new baby on the way!"
5.Are you living with an Eternal perspective or an Earthly perspective?
I pray that I can continue to look to the Cross and not get so caught up in the earthly trials that can weigh me down. It really is a joy to be a child of God and know what it really means to have a Heart of Gratitude!
I hope this is encouraging to you too!
As we prepare for the Christmas Holiday-I am choosing to "Rejoice in the Lord always" and be grateful for all he has done for me!"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are staying here in GA for Thanksgiving. I am down to the last 2 months of my pregnancy and no more travel! So, we are having dinner with our friends that live near by (and moved here from SYR). We actually had Thanksgiving with all of them 2 years ago. It was Parker's first thanksgiving -and he was only 3 months old! Amazing how much he has grown! Here was Parker the last time we stayed home for Thanksgiving, and now look at him!

I am so glad that we are not travelling this week! This past Monday, I came down with the really bad 24 hour stomach bug. I was SO ill-Mike ended up "working" from home to assist me with Parker. Parker actually saw mommy hugging the toilet and "puking" and he kept saying "Your funny-Mommy" and I was saying; "No, Mommy doesn't feel good-Go get daddy!"
We had to call my OB and she put me on Zofran so I could stop puking. I am so glad that it worked. If I couldn't stop then I was going to have to go into Labor and Delivery for IV's! And I was so thankful that Mike realized and just knew that I needed home. Once again-drama in the it a girl?

Now that the stomach bug is behind me I have been able to get ready for Thanksgiving Dinner. Still have a little appetite, but I am sure Thanksgiving Morning I will have it back. I LOVE to cook-but being that I am 32 weeks pregnant, I can't do it all. So I ordered a Turkey and a few sides from Kroger! That is a huge blessing. All I have to do is the mashed potatoes, an appetizer and I MUST not forget my favorite-Dessert. I just made Turtle Cheesecake and can't wait to eat it tomorrow (or is Sweet Pea that wants it more then me?) Don't worry-I made this a lighter recipe, and used fat free Caramel. But then again Cheesecake really is not one of those "healthy desserts" but for the Holidays I just couldn't resist! Our friends are bringing some sides as well and we are looking forward to the great time.
We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
I am so thankful to God for the Family, friends and health he has given to me. And an extra special blessing this Thansgiving is the anticipation and wonder of meeting our Sweet Pea in about 7 weeks! Can't wait to see if Sweet Pea is a He/She! Between the holidays and the birth of Sweet Pea we have SO much to do.
I am off to go hunt down my table cloth so I can set the table!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Jenn, Mike and Parker :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

30 Weeks Already!

(28 weeks pregnant Posing at Halloween with Samantha and Lorelei)
I can't believe that in 2 months our little Sweet Pea will arrive! This Thursday I will be 31 weeks and I am having a ton of Braxton Hicks. I am carrying this baby so different then I did with Parker and starting to get really uncomfortable as I near the end. Here is the blog entry when I was 29 weeks with Parker and a photo. It's really amazing how different it is this time around. My nights are no longer 8 hours straight. I am now awakened by my FULL bladder every 3 hours. I am really looking forward to having my belly flatter (so I can sleep on my stomach) and a bladder that is good to go for at least 8 hours. LOL Grateful to God that Sweet Pea is growing (even though I may be uncomfortable) and praying that last 8 weeks go smoothly.
I am bad-no recent belly shots of me the past few days, but the one above was taken 2 weeks ago for Halloween.
Please be in prayer for Mike and I to come to a final agreement on Baby Names!
We have pretty much agreed on a girl name and a boy name BUT we are battling the whole middle name thing! He thinks we should skip a middle name for the girl completely and for the boy we need to use Ramsey! ( I disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Yes, you read that correctly! As most of you know my dear husband is~ a CPA and a huge fan of the Financial Advisor "Dave Ramsey! So, I don't think that Ramsey flows with our last name! Why is it so hard to name the second child? Not to mention that it is making it harder for us too-because we don't even know the gender of Sweet Pea! It really is causing major tension and I am gonna win this battle the day I birth this precious child! He laughs every time I say that!
Apart from this baby being officially named we are trying to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy and just being a family of 3. Last Wednesday, Mike and I got out on a date. He had the day off and Parker had school. So, we dropped the boy off and went out to breakfast to my favorite place - IHOP ! I LOVE french toast and loved having quality time with Mike and not debating baby names. We even got a chance to go see a Matinee too! Wish we had it more often, but we are looking forward to our next date out (and we love it when we don't have to pay for Child care) This Saturday, we are headed out to dinner with our small group from Church and looking forward to the fellowship and time with the friends kids free. Thanks Aunt LaLa for taking Parker for us so we can get out!
This past Saturday, Mike sent me off to the Outlets with Samantha and her sister. I really didn't need to go buy for me-but did need a few things for Parker. So, I got home with some great deals and found this little surprise from my boys "just because."So,I have to give him credit. He may be getting on my last nerve with naming Sweet Pea, but he does know how to make me smile!
Update on Parker's health;
Parker was starting to feel better but now is fighting a really bad head cold SO the Cough has returned! We still have that nebulizer out. It has become a decoration in our family room and the visits are becoming more frequent again! LOL ~We are still trying to get him to get a full dose of his new medicine Singular. So far , I think he is only getting 1/2 the dose, since it has to be sprinkled in food. Well-we may be forcing it in him or having to switch to the pills. This is a tough age since he is so picky with his food! I remind myself daily that "The Lord doesn't give us more then we can handle" and I am really praying that Sweet Pea takes after Daddy and not Mommy and Parker with Asthma and Allergies!
And last but not least...gotta post this ADORABLE photo of Parker and his friends!

Last Friday, we had play day at my house (with some of my MOPs friends). The day was beautiful for November as you can see -Hence why we love "Shirtless Fall Days!"

Friday, November 06, 2009

Sweet Pea Update & Fall Sweet Treats

Today I had my 28 week check up at my OB. (*Thank you Liz & Kayleigh for letting Parker come over and play so I could go to my appointment alone.) Sweet Pea is doing well and such a kicker in some of the most awkward places. Baby really likes to stick out (maybe an elbow? ) under my right rib all the time. Sweet Pea's heart is healthy and beating 150 bpm (for inquiring minds). AND NO weight gain for preggo mama in the past 4 weeks! It sure was tempting last weekend to give in to all those Peanut M& M's from Parker's Halloween Candy-but I really resisted the urge most of the week! I've maintained 24 lbs and praying not to go past my 28 lb pregnancy record! (Haha-with this sweet tooth we will see?)

I have another upcoming Ultra-sound on 11/30 to check on my placenta. Praying that it has moved in the right direction and will allow for another vaginal birth, but obviously God is in control and may have other plans for Sweet Pea's arrival. I'm so grateful each time I go in and hear that all is well! The miracle of life in amazing and there is not a day that goes by where I do not praise God for this pregnancy even though it has been more "dramatic" at times!

I also had the "LOVELY" Glucose test and no wonder I am not a fan of Orange Soda!....I really forgot how much I hated it after the test with Parker 2 & 1/2 years ago! This time it really made me want to puke-but I held in the urge. Praying that there is NO phone call this coming Tuesday saying that I failed. As much as I love my sweets I have tried to balance it out!

So, now that I have been a really good girl the past 2 weeks, here is what's cooking up in my kitchen! I LOVE the Fall and had to make this today: Pumpkin Roll

And for my boys (or more for my munchy cravings....)
Chex Mix Peanut Butter Muddy Buddies

I have been craving this for 1 week!!! So excited to munch on it tonight with my boys! I apologize for any sudden cravings that I pass onto to you blog readers. But-these are some of the yummiest treats for the fall that I just couldn't resist sharing!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Trick or Treat '09

Here is our Raggedy Andy! (We had a special wig-but of course he didn't want anything to do with it-so happy his "red hair" came in great use for the costume!)LOL
He was a a perfect Raggedy Andy with a sports theme going most of the night.
He carried around a tennis ball to the houses we visited.
Unfortunately, Parker was coming down with a bad cold and his Asthma was beginning to flare up. Not to mention that we also had had unwelcoming rain. But,we didn't let either one stop us from taking P out for a little bit to get the hang of "Trick or Treating."

We met up with his match Raggedy Ann (aka-Marlee) at Uncle Rick and Aunt Lala's house.

It was a blast for them as they got first dibs on all of Aunt Lala's BIG candy bars!

Then we went to a few houses in Marlee's cousins neighborhood.
They sure got the hang of it as we got to the last few houses.

Following the trick or treating-we had some chili with some friends and watched the Yankees beat the Phillie's!!! Yippee! It was a fun memorable night! Special thanks to Marlee's Grandma for making the costumes just for Her and Parker!

Please keep Parker in your prayers-he is having a rough time with his asthma. We just got back from the Pediatrician. We are trying a new prescription on top of the new recomendation of 6 breathing treatments a day! Maybe the prayer is more for me/us ~( I will be battling a strong willed red-head to do 4 of the 6 treatments when daddy is not around.)
Praying that the new prescription and treatments work and he doesn't get worse!
Definitely a full time job being a stay at home mom with a Asthma child-but grateful to have Parker in our lives and wouldn't trade him in the world for anyone! :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Shoe Deal of the Year...Thanks to Oprah and Payless!

I had an Alexander (Horrible, NoGood, Very Bad day)-yesterday! I was really down and then discovered that my steroid I am currently taken for my asthma flarring up- is the main reason for it! So, I am grateful that I do not have to take it every day. So, I didn't need to take it last night and had a very productive day today! :)
My day ended on a very happy note. Simple things really make this pregnant~ stay at home mama happy and shoes REALLY make me happy!
I was watching Oprah today and at the end of the show-they announced that for the next 24 hours, you can get 50%off your total purchase at Payless .
I thought it had to have a catch! Funny thing was-, I was just "crying" the other day to Mike that I don't have black boots anymore and my feet have grown~ (obviously with the pregnancy). I desperately needed some good ol' black flats! I went to Oprah's website, printed the coupon and tested the sale tonight! One important little detail- I only had 30 minutes to shop!
Mike got home at 6:30 and I needed to be back by 7:15. (He had a softball game at 8 tonight). Well, I was focused and had a list of what I needed the minute I entered the store.
Here is how I did....(and the total for each shoe item(s) is after my 50%)

4 Pairs of flat ballets =$32.00
(2 favorites that I had to get -I LOVE Purple!)

2 Pairs of boots (1 short pair and 1 knee length pair) =$30.00

2 Pair of shoes for Parker=$16.50

2 pairs of socks= $2.50

1 set of (3 pair of earrings)=$2.00

All came to $87.00 (and that was with the tax)
My receipt came to $165.93 ~BUT after the 50% off coupon I saved $83.00!
So, I got all of the above for $87.94 in 25 minutes!
The ladies in the store were impressed to see a pregnant girl shop that fast!
Check out the Payless near you to save 50% if you read this post before 9PM on Friday, 10/30!
Thanks Payless and Oprah for making a pregnant mommy very happy!

Happy Shoe Girl,
Jenn :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

27 Weeks & Pumpkin Patch Fun

(My current view looking down at 27 weeks)

So, I promised that I would post some belly photos more frequently-so here is a recent photo from when I was in Vegas.
(At 26 & 1/2 weeks) and yes-that is Jerry Springer posing with my sister, Joy and me; he was promoting "America's Got Talent" outside our hotel)
I am so happy that we are 1 week shy of entering the 3rd trimester. I'm Really looking forward to January's arrival-yet that means we have to get through the hustle and bustle of the holiday seasons! As January nears I have my moments of "we will soon be parents of 2 kids!" AHHHH! But God does not give us more then we can handle!

I feel we have been so spoiled with a happy content baby boy from the start~ He does give us our moments now that he is officially 2, but I still feel like our world is about to end once Sweet Pea arrives. I am trying not to dwell on that pessimistic thought . (...Thoughts of a colic baby, a child that does not sleep or much worse). Just trying to enjoy the remaining 86 days (or less) left as a family of just 3. (I was a handful from the start-so I know my payback is nearing! LOL) .
I ended up at the OB on Friday, for a different check-up. My Asthma is flaring up with this pregnancy. It was almost NON existent when I was pregnant with Parker. My OB said Asthma goes one of 2 ways -worse or better...and mine has gone worse in this pregnancy. So, I got put on an oral steroid *(and I am only taking it as needed). That first night I took the medicine it gave me some funky dreams! I am feeling MUCH-MUCH better and so grateful for the outstanding care of my OB. She actually apologized to me that it was not charted at all that I was asthmatic. That was her main reason for rushing me in on Friday! She was concerned and confused. I called wanting to know if I could have a few doses of my inhaler! Glad that is all charted now and praying that we do not have issues come delivery day. I'm very happy to report that Sweet Pea is doing just fine and oh so ACTIVE! I go back on November 6th for the not so fun, Gestational Diabetes Test!

This past weekend we went to a Pumpkin Patch with some friends! We had a blast and loved watching all the kids interact. Of course our main purpose was for the kids pleasure-but we found our selves enjoying the corn maizes, and the hay rides too!

(Our Goofy Family)

Parker is going to be "Raggedy Andy" for Halloween and his good friend, Marlee, will be "Raggedy Ann!" Can't wait to post the photos after. We will see how long Parker's wig lasts-at least he has that part of the costume already on his head if he chooses not to wear it! LOL :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Vegas Girls Weekend

I am back from Vegas and got in really late, Sunday night! That was due to a 5 hour mechanical delay with Delta~ but, NO complaints! It allowed more time in the airport with my family and another $100.00 voucher from Delta.
We had the BEST time in Vegas and I am so grateful for the needed get-a-way. After 7 years of marriage and 2 years of being "mommy" I got away to just relax and be a "girl!" My mom, younger 2 sisters, Jolyn & Julie, my best friend, Joy and Aunt Mary all came to Vegas for the weekend! One of our biggest highlights was attending the new Cirque Du Soleil Show -"KA" on Friday night. There are No words to describe the show-all I can say is you have to see it~It was incredible!

(My beauty queen sisters-who would ever guess that they are wives, mom's and in their LATE 20's ~Amazing!)
(Me and my aunt riding the bus on our way to go see Jay Leno, Saturday night)

(Mom and Mary posing inside our hotel)
(Yup-it is really Jerry Springer (who was outside our hotel promoting America's Got Talent performing that night at our hotel-Planet Hollywood)
(Our hotel for the weekend)
The 90 degree weather in mid October was a must to relax at the pool while we were there. Sorry no photos of that -not when I am 26 weeks pregnant! LOL ~Joy and I got away to the salon to get overdo or "pregnancy" pedicures and we found time for shopping too the next day.
(Outside of the Paris Hotel brought back memories of our week spent in Paris (May 2000); Joy 31 weeks pregnant and I am 26 weeks pregnant in this photo.)

(Riding the bus on our way to brunch)

The food=great, the hotel =awesome (we had 2 suites at the Planet Hollywood) and the city=comes alive at night! I had a few issues with ALL the smoke but it is legal there in the Casinos. We had no interest in the casinos but to get to your hotel you had to walk through it. It has taken me a week to get caught up on sleep (3 hour time change gets ya' good when you are pregnant) and it's been a crazy week with getting caught up and pregnancy Asthma!
( A view of the city at night)

( A slice of Chocolate cake at PF Changs -that we had to celebrate my birthday! Thanks Mom, Mary and Sisters!)

(Joy, Jolyn, Julie, Me and Mom (outside the Paris hotel)

I can not wait to see where I end up next fall! Mike and I have an agreement that as long as he attends his annual softball tournament, I get a weekend away too! Anyone want to join me next Fall for a get-a-way? No set plans I will have a 3 year old and almost 10 month old by then...ahh can't even imagine life then and may not get away then. I MUST brag that the house was in AMAZING condition when I arrived home Sunday. (That includes a re-organized pantry, beds all made, dishes cleaned, all rooms cleaned up, and a happy 2 year old all bathed and cared for ALL by daddy!) I think they had a blast but I still wish I had a video camera of their weekend adventures! Thanks babe for allowing me to relax when I got home!

In the meantime, we are settling back to our routine and looking forward to the upcoming Holidays at HOME! :)