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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Birthday Celebration

Friends who might just look like "sisters!"
(having chocolate fondue at the Melting Pot with the Hoeyes)
(posing with my "comedian" husband-we were just wired from all the chocolate)
It is almost that time of year again! Yes, another birthday and I stop counting after 30! Haha

Last night Mike and I got out to a movie and then the Melting Pot with our good friends and neighbors Rick & Lorelei! Lorelei is one of my closest friends and like a sister to me! I love spending time with her and Mike and Rick get along great, they love their Sports. Lorelei and Rick are a great "Aunt & Uncle" to Parker! They are usually our first pick to watch Parker at a moments notice/ or when we need a "date"...but we have to have some fun too with them! So, a special thanks to my good friend, Yvette for watching Parker! She is one of my teaching friends and also another awesome "Aunt!"

I LOVE Chocolate and I was convinced that The Melting Pot would be healthier then some cake! It was fabulous! We got a Dark Chocolate & Peanut butter dip & we also got a Turtle dip.

I am too blessed to have all that God has given me the past 31 years (yup-almost 31); godly parents, 3 wonderful sisters, godly in-laws, in-law brothers and sisters and of course my great friends, Lorelei, Joy, Samantha, Liz and Yvette! Of course I did not leave out the most wonderful man and friend in my life: Michael! I am so happy to be married to this true man of God ,wonderful husband and father. He has been my rock and my best supporter the last 9 years (married 6 1/2 and dated the rest...can't believe how long we've been together)! Each Birthday and Anniversary, makes me feel more loved and blessed by you ! I will be honest that there have been some really tough times, but you have been through it all with me and have loved me no matter what "mood" I have been in! Thank you for loving me and being the man you are to me (which is usually one of these roles); friend, daddy to Parker, my CFO (LOL), love of my life, & best friend!

Thanks again to 2 other great friends, Rick, Lorelei for a fun night of celebration!

Jenn :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awe...sweet sugar bunny! We had a great time with you on your Birfday too! We love hanging with you guys and we can always count on Mike for hours of entertainment. We also dearly love your little boy! Thank you for always being a supportive and loving friend! Auntie...Lorelei