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Sunday, January 20, 2008

5 months old!

Parker is a great 5 month old and I am getting a work out already with him!
I took him on Friday to see a physical therapist for his head & development!
He is developmentally doing great. His flat head in the back, is the result of how he positions himself while he is sleeping! We had a scan of his head and has a mild case, so he is most likely not going to need a helmet! We will go back in 6 more weeks to see how he has improved. (They will do another scan.) He is up alot more (and loves being in the jumperoo!) The more he is up and off of his head-the better it will form on its own!
Here is another photo album of some of his latest!
Click to play Parker+is+5+months+old!
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On the homefront here-I am the new Neighborhood Social Comittee Coordinator! I am in charge of planning all the neighborhood events-primarily for the kids! I told them at the meeting, I can't do it alone! I had a sign up sheet for some of the yearly events and I got a ton of volunteers! I am praying that it is a successful year and the help will pull through! The first big event is the Easter Egg hunt! I am looking forward to it! It makes me laugh and wonder if God was preparing me in college? I was the dorm social coordinator for a year!
Enjoy the photos!

1 comment:

DD said...

How cute is he! and they TOTALLY picked the right person for Social Coordinator! I often think how BBC prepared me for the social aspect of life! Now I am thankful they didn't let us go to Movies! ;-)