I am in my first week of the Long awaited Summer "Teacher"Vacation!
I actually had to go back after (being off only 2 days) and re-do my report cards, along with 4 other teachers. We were all glad to be there together...but had agenda's already. Needless to say, we got the errors corrected in 2 hours.
Saturday, I was ambitious and used some money from my class (the Home Depot Card) and decorated the masterbathroom. It actually turned out fabulous. My good friend from work, Yvette came over to be 2 extra hands to help me paint the whole thing. Mike of course, was woking on the monthly bills, and budget. He even got her on a budget!!! Dave Ramsey is making a huge impact....!
As for the rest of the summer: I will be tutoring 2 students from my school,spending 10 days here with Mike's family (who comes in on the 26th of June),taking them to FL for 2 days, Celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary my favorite time of the summer is 3 weeks of vacation time with my precious, love of my life-Michael, waking up and both being here and thinking about what we will do for the day, and sitting at the pool...etc. We have been waiting for June 19th!!! He is off the 19th of June-July 10!!!!
We hope you are all well and for all of you in the North-Summer is coming soon!!!
Summer Blessings,
Florida??? you are coming to FLorida??? where? come see me!
Forgot to tell you the bathroom walls look fun! All the more reason to visit again. But come see our place first.
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