Fortunately Mike and I did not get it...his brother's, him and I were obsessed with drinking Arbonne.
We stopped in DC on the way to NY and finally got the meet Courtney! Courtney is the girlfriend of Brian (Mike's older brother) and I must say that I am glad I took her a Christmas present ;(yes-it was our first time to meet her-and we totally approve too Brian!) but I know how Mike always is-so it was my way of saying "do not be scared away from the family!"
We stuck to the family tradition of appetizers for Christmas Eve Dinner. It was great-
I made a Frech Onion soup and Mom Riese made "yummy" Sweet and Sour Meatballs
Phil did a first for the meal this year-and made delicious Coconut Shrimp! (I just liked the coating on the shrimp-I have never been a lover of seafood!)
We had plenty more to eat...and this year we opted not to make a special dessert since we had nearly 5 dozen differernt kinds of Christmas cookies!
Christmas Eve we open up all our gifts and I loved all the gifts we got-but by far-we had a blast giving all our gifts this year.
I always treasure the time with the family...and this was a memorable Christmas. I missed my family-but will look forward to Christmas of '07 together.
Christmas Day was great to get together with all of Mom Riese's Family and catch up with everyone. It was then next day that many got sick...Mike was convinced that it was food poisoning...but we knew it wasn't!
It was good to see good ol' Syracuse and shop a little with the brothers-brought back alot of memories being in SYR. and our first home! Can't believe that we have been married 4 & 1/2 years. We are in the midst of deciding on a big celebration in June!
Can't believe that New Years Day is tomorrow-
Happy New Year~May God bless you all in 2007-
Jenn & Mike