Today is the day...Baby Kaden is officially one! {sigh..tear}
I feel like just last month I was sitting in Tri-Age waiting for the verdict to see if I was going to have this baby before the end of the year.
Here is Kaden's birthday story and a sweet reflection of mommy's denial and daddy's joy that our baby was coming on 12.28.09!
(If you don't want all the details...then just skip to the bottom).
I have posted a video of the birthday boy eating his first Ice-Cream Cake! It is hilarious!)
The beginning of December, 2009, I was overwhelmed with the fact that I was "supposedly" going to have a c-section about 2 and 1/2 weeks after Christmas. I had no energy and really didn't want to put up any Christmas decorations! Well, I got up the bare minimum up and decorated to make it fun for our then 2 year old, Parker. What I didn't realize is that the "braxton" hicks that I was having on a more "regular basis" were regular consistent contractions...and I was ignoring them till after the holidays!
The Tuesday before Christmas, I was totally struck back! I was already 2cm and 70% effaced...I was at the beginning stages of labor and I was only 36 weeks along. My OB told me that this baby would not make it to the first of the year! I was in denial...We had a plan...this baby was coming by C-Section Jan. 13th! I sort of packed my bags. (But I was fighting God to just get us through Christmas). But I really didn't want my baby before the 1st of the year! However, Daddy DID! Daddy wanted a big Tax break and of course have the baby fall on the old insurance plan! I really think Mike had a big talk with God! Mike was thrilled that I was having more and more "contractions" on a regular basis as the month came to an end! Well, we made it through Christmas and I was thrilled Baby stayed in.
Well just two days later I was miserable. Sunday night, December 27, I awoke at 4AM with contractions every 3-8 minutes. I refused to call my Doctor... I could NOT possibly be in labor? So instead, I got in the tub and tried to relax. I still had 3 weeks to go. I dealt with the pain till my office opened at 9AM and just asked if I could come in! I got a call back within 15 min and my OB insisted on me heading to the Hospital. I of course had to be convinced by the nurse to go to the hospital! I had to get Parker situated. I had to call Mike and get him home from work! *(Yeah, he went to work...that morning...I let him go!) We made it to Kennestone by noon and we sat in Tri-age for 5 hours! I was begging to go home and had SO much to do. After all, I had been having contractions on and off for almost 1 month. My OB put me on Tributilin to try and stop the contractions...but nothing worked. This baby (and we didn't know if Kaden was a boy or a girl) was coming out tonight! I thought I could make it another week. Ha! I didn't win that battle. At 5:30 PM on December 28th, 2009, Kaden arrived via c-section. I was thrilled my OB worked it out to be there!
So, December 28th officially became Kaden's birthday and so we celebrate our sweet boy today and each year to come just 3 days after Christmas! God DID answer my prayer for this baby to have a birthday any day besides Christmas. It was SO worth it to have him before the end of the year. It was ALL God's perfect timing~My in-laws came down (because my mother in law had a week off since she was a teacher), so they were able to assist us with Parker for the week!~ and for that we are truly grateful!
The year has been a long one with many illnesses, sleepless nights at the beginning, getting Kaden beyond his Reflux and adjusting to life as a family of four and balancing our everday responsiblities! BUT it has been so rewarding to have him as a part of our family! His laugh lights up the room, his smile melts our hearts, his love for Parker and just the fact that he LOVES his mama makes me melt and Parker's love for him is precious! It is truly a joy to be his mommy and daddy and we are so honored that God has chosen Kaden for our family! We pray that one day you will come to know the Lord, Kaden and know how much he loves you and how much we love you!
Here is a sweet video of us singing "Happy Birthday" to Kaden and he is checking out his FootBall Ice-Cream Cake. (We have a tradition to eat Ice-Cream Cake on the real birthdays around here!)
Let's just say -He LOVED it!
Video (Part 1)
Attacking the cake video...(Part 2)
We had a fun day celebrating Kaden. NeNe flew in for Christmas and Kaden's special birthday! So, we met Daddy for lunch! Tonight for dinner, NeNe, made homemade Maple Turkey Burgers and ended the night with a Carvel-Football Ice-Cream Cake! So fun to have celebrated our boy all day today!
WOW-What is this??!!?
(Yummy-I love it on my face...I wonder how good it really is?!)
(Not enough...I need to pick up the whole thing)
(Now this is GOOD and I LOVE it!)
Happy 1st Birthday Kaden A.K.A ("Sweet Pea, Chunk of Love, Tank, Mommy's boy, Baby Kaden),
Daddy, Mommy and Parker love you!