WOW! Here we are again! It is amazing how fast the year flew by! Of course, this time last year-we had just found out the exciting news that we were expecting! The wonder of whom this "first" baby would be, would it be a healthy pregnancy and would he/she be with us for Christmas 2007?! Well, God answered our prayers and gave us Parker on August 27th and we rejoice for his healthy birth! At this time of year,we are reminded of the most precious baby given to us all, Jesus! He is the joy and the reason for the season! We are so grateful to God for ALL that he has done this year for us and we look forward to so many "firsts" in the next year with Parker.
Here is a reflection of the year for us:Mike consumed more hours then he ever would have imagined with PWC and is grateful that the "distant-travel" to clients has dropped! He stayed involved with men's softball (
and that is where we were most Friday nights)! Despite his crazy work schedule, he still finds time for Me, Parker (Abbey) and the good ol' X-box!
Jenn-finished out 7 years of teaching in June! We knew with the intense work schedule as a teacher,(the papers, being a leader of a team, (need I say any more) it would be so intense for me as a first time mom! God has allowed for me to stay home (financially) and do what I have dreamed of for many years- being a mom! It has been the most rewarding and challenging job! My day begins about 5:30 AM and I am ready to crash around 9PM! Yet, I have found the time and energy to continue playing "Bunco" in the neighborhood! It has been a great time for me to fellowship with the girls- and Mike to bond with Parker! ( I love the first Tuesday of the month!) I just took on a babysitting job 2 days a week! I watch a little 5 month old girl, Kailee! Her mom is a 3rd grade teacher (2 days a week) in the public school setting! I am BUSY these 2 days and yet, so thankful that God opened the door for a small job for me and some great socialization for Parker!
Mike and I have taken a year off of teaching Sunday School this year so we can focus on being "new parents!" We have been ministered to on Sunday's through the Young Marrieds Group . It has been a joy to have the prayer, support and hear their sides of being parents too!
Our letter would not be complete with out a few words about Parker and must we not forget "Miss Abbey!"
Parker will be 4 months old on Thursday! WOW! He is a blast! He has been very predictable with the sleep world- he crashes around 7 PM and he is up around 5 or 5:30! We are very grateful for the "sleepful nights" (knock on wood)! His personality is coming out more and more each day! He is grabbing for things and loves to smile when you sing to him! We can not wait for Christmas next year and see him "so into everything!"
Abbey has had a year of changes with Parker and my new schedule of being home! She has accepted Parker and has even protected him already (one night she was winning in his room, and basically told us he needed to be changed!) She LOVES having me home and being able to have time all day to chase her friends! She will always be our "girl-" but don't tell her that we love Parker more!
So here we are with Christmas just 6 days away! We will be joining Mike's family for Christmas and we are in the chaos of packing, (I am baking cookies like crazy) and wrapping gifts for my family. We would love to spend Christmas with all of you! We have really treasured the time so many of you took this year to visit and the gifts that were given as we welcomed Parker! It has been such a blessed year we have continually appreciated all the love and prayers!
May you all have a wonderful Christmas Holiday!
Love and Prayers for the new year!
Mike, Jenn, Parker and Abbey Riese